
Thursday, December 31, 2009


Hey all you bloggers,
if you have twitter please follow me I go by the name mesaturn504 please add me then we can explore twitter together!

Simply me

Happy New Year!

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Singing away the chipmunk blues......

Hey all you bloggers,
well first and foremost i would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year!May you study hard have fun with your friends at arcades and may no hobo's attack you!:)Life in 2009 was leisurely every friend you had was there for you,you may have lost your job or be given a spending barrier because of the economical crisis but even if many bad things happen we must always be thankful about the good things in our mind there are many things that we think can be fixed but maybe not....Anyway as a New Years Eve present me and my mum went shopping and you all know how that turns out leave empty handed come back with a dozen of bags but the best buys are still at flea markets,my favourite scarf is from a flea market you don't need a $100 Marc Jacob bag to look good all you need is style and class.Well before our shopping spree me and my mom went to watch Alvin and the Chipmunks 2!I have been waiting for this forever the sound squeaky voices was void!I could not live!But finally the trailer was on youtube and I was salvaged ok here is a short summary of the movie!Alvin(Justin Long)and the chipmunks are back!They are famous again and everyone adores them but Dave thinks it's time for them to get some education therefore the chipmunks are now off to school meanwhile Ian Hawk loses all his fame because of the chipmunks but he soon finds the cipettes and plans to make them famous..well one of them famous.Britney(voiced by Anna Faris).They face off to see who will make it to the musical competition who will win?Then after the movie we were ready to shop by the way heads up go to somewhere else for clothes Gap has lost it's touch okay that is all so I wish you a great 2010!

Simply me

End of the Year Blog

You know I was going to write an end of the year blog, but I thought this year was pretty crappy. To be honest I really don't want to look back on it. Plus I'm feeling lazy and don't feel like really writing a blog anyway.

'Twas the Night Before Jesus Came

'Twas the night before Jesus came and all through the house
Not a creature was praying, not one in the house.
Their bibles were lain on the shelf without care
In hopes that Jesus would not come there.

The children were dressing to crawl into bed,
Not once ever kneeling or bowing a head.
Mom in her rock with baby on her lap
Was watching the Late Show while I took a nap.

When out of the East there arose such a clatter,
I sprang to my feet to what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But angels proclaiming that Jesus was here.
With a light like the sun sending forth a bright ray,
I knew in a moment this must be THE DAY.

The light of His face made me cover my head.
It was Jesus. Returning just like He had said.
Though I possessed worldly wisdom and wealth,
I cried when I saw Him in spite of myself.

In the Book of Life which He held in His hand
Was written the name of every saved man.
He spoke not a word as He searched for my name.
When He said, "It's not here," my head hung in shame.

The people whose names had been written with love
He gathered to take to His Father above.
With those who were ready He rose without a sound
While all the rest were left standing around.

I fell to my knees, but it was too late.
I had waited too long and thus sealed my fate.
I stood and I cried as they rose out of sight.
Oh, if only I had been ready tonight.

In the words of this poem the meaning is clear...
The coming of Jesus is drawing near.
There's only one life and when comes the last call
We'll find that the Bible was true after all!

~~ Dianne Donenfeld, 1988 ~~

Happy New Year--A Year In Review And A Peek Into the Future

Come and join me for a look back at 2009 and a peek into 2010........

A look back at a few of my blog postings for the year.....a year that was spent like a lot of Americans--no job, thankfully however that has been fixed-a year of thrifting, creating, a few road trips, a new donkey, pretty sunsets and rainbows, and so much more.....

I learned something new! How to make a photo mosaic! I always wanted to know how to do that and it was easy as pie!

And now here we are on this last day of 2009 and I am ready to tell it goodbye and to open the door to a brand new wonderful year! A year that has......

"... three hundred sixty-five bright mornings and starlit evenings; fifty-two promising weeks; twelve transformative months full of beautiful possibilities; and four splendid seasons. A simply abundant year to be savored." (Sarah Ban Breathnach)

This is my wish for you also!

I am looking forward to working more on my sewing and needlework, creating some new patterns, learning new things, getting healthier (losing weight!), journaling, going to new and interesting places, finding new junking treasures, meeting new friends, blogging more and enjoying each and every day!

I have so enjoyed all of your wonderful comments throughout the year and I do hope you will please continue. I may not always answer them back (something I hope to do better at this next year!), but I do always read them, enjoy them and appreciate them.

Thank you!

Happy New Year Everyone! May it be a blessed one!

And don't forget to join Cindy at My Romantic Home for a trip with our fellow bloggers through their past year too.

Goodbye 2009

Well, it's the end of 2009. Yep, my last post of the year. I thought I'd mark this important occasion with an 'In and Out' of 2009.

Since the end of January 2009, I've been saying 'I'll be glad when 2009 is over'. The further into the year we got, the more I hated it. However, I've come to realise that 2009 wasn’t all that bad. It's funny how we seem to focus on the bad things rather than the good, isn't it?

  • Vampires. I've become obsessed with vampires, shape-shifters and fairies, thanks to Twilight and True Blood. I love the books, the movies and the TV show. Vampires FTW!! Eric... mmm yummy.
  • Florence & The Machine. This girl has such a stunning voice, and 'You've Got The Love' is possibly the best cover of all time. I remember hearing 'Kiss With A Fist' on an E4/C4 advert, and thinking that I want to hear more. She didn't disappoint! :) 
  • New additions to my family - Baby Cousin Leo (9 months) and Baby Niece Eliza (4 months). They're gorgeous. Enough to melt my heart a little, but nowhere near enough to make me broody. Not quite!
  • Jedward. They were a definite highlight of the year! Who can forget Ghostbusters, and Queen Vs Vanilla Ice? Genius!
  • Moving house. Mr Lollipop and I moved out of our awful privately rented house, that had faulty electrics, faulty boilers, faulty water pipes, the lot, and my parents moved out of their small and cramped house. Then we all moved into a great big lush house on the beachfront, like one big happy family :) It's been super hard adjusting to life with the parentals again, but it's been the best decision we've made so far.
  • Passing year 1 of my NVQ. It's nothing major, but it's the next step in my job. It just adds a qualification to my belt and more money in my pocket. The job will be the same though. I'm embarking on my 2nd and last year as we speak. Scary!
  • Starting the Lipsticks & Lollipops. I am absolutely loving being part of the beauty community. I've had such positive feedback so far and have even had some really nice emails recently. I think the beauty community as a whole is really friendly and welcoming, which has made being a 'newbie' a bit easier. It's been a fab experience and I'm really excited to take my blog into 2010.
  • Robbie & Take That reuniting. Albeit onstage very briefly for a big huge group performance at the end of the night, but I'd love, love, love for Robbie to do something with Take That. Even if it's just one song! I've loved them since I was a little girl, which makes me feel incredibly old, but I can't help it. Robbie & Mark were my favourites, and I will always have a soft spot for them, but Mr Barlow has been looking incredibly hot recently. He's definitely improved with age! haha


  • The deaths of my wonderful Grampa and my beautiful dog Ivor. The hardest thing of losing them is dealing with life afterwards. That was one of the hardest experiences I've faced this year and it completely drained me. I miss them tremendously every day, but I know that they understood how loved, special and appreciated they were to us. Just goes to show you never know what's around the corner.
  • Katie & Peter. Seriously, if I see one more magazine cover, newspaper article or TV show with these two on it, I'll scream. I'm definitely 'Team Peter', but I don't want their relationship woes shoved down my throat for another minute!
  • The weather. Down in South Wales, we had the most miserable year ever weather-wise. All over the country people were getting glowing sunshine, but us? Rain. June, rain, July, rain, August, rain, September, rain. I've been saying it's winter since March! Here's hoping to a bit of sunshine in 2010!

And that's all the out's I can think of. I should have given 2009 more credit.

Since it's New Year's Eve, I thought I'd share my favourite cocktail recipe with you all. My favourite tipple if I'm feeling particularly indulgent, is Rose Moet & Chandon. Yum bloody yum! My bank balance won't allow me to be indulgent this year though, so I'm having a quiet night in with Mr Lollipop, a takeaway, and Michael McIntyre. It may sound boring but I can't wait. I can't remember the last time we had some peace and quiet to ourselves! Anyway, this is what you need to make a Woo Woo, and it's my favourite colour - pink! If you are anything like me, you'll measure by eye rather than exact quantities, so I take no responsibilites for how quickly you get drunk haha. Enjoy!

25ml Archers (or any peach schnapps)
25ml Smirnoff (or your vodka of preference)
50ml Cranberry juice
And, very importantly, ice!

I hope you all have a wonderful New Year's Eve, however you may be celebrating. I want to say thank you to all of you for your love and support since I started this blog. I really do appreciate you taking the time to read my rambles and comment on my posts. I hope that your 2010 is one full of health, good fortune, and above all, happiness! x x x

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Not The Worst Thing

Okay yeah, it’s official…I want the holidays to be done already. There has been no merriment, no gushing of emotion and joy, this season has felt perfunctory, down-right obligatory and I for one hate that crap. I’m not one of those, “toss a grin on and smother your discomfort” kinda chicks. When and if I am pissy, you’re gonna know it…I like wear it on my face and junk, but working retail during the holidays has forced me to perform this, this face cracking, fake ass task…the grin and bear it one, and I have felt every ounce of bullshit weighing me down. Counting down the days, I’m simply counting down the days at this point…hell, we even tossed the poor tree that sacrificed its life, you know…for the festivities and all, in the garbage days before New Year’s Eve. The reason cited, “It was kind of blocking the TV” um, happy birthday Jesus, now move the hell over because I can’t watch the Laker game.

I know I’m not alone; my little Grinchy post assured me that we are all kind of in the same boat this year. It snuck up, was in our face and now it’s pretty much over..just a couple more days and we can look to a new year, a clean start, a do-over. Damn, just writing that, just mentioning that 2009 is about to be swept under the rug, well…it made me feel just a touch better. 2009 ended up feeling like one of those survival years, like all of us were just dropping our heads, busting our asses and doing our best to just make it through. Nothing tragic, nothing horrible really, but nothing really codifying or unifying either. Even the swearing in of our first black, and wicked cool president couldn’t keep things bubbling, sure we were all fired up for a bit but that goddamn reality sunk in and dag-nab-it if we weren’t right back in the, funk. Tugging that feeling along all year inspires little more than an exhausted sigh, stunning that shoppers didn’t turn out in droves right?

The shop was pretty slow yesterday, left me plenty of time to clean up the online store and what not but the sound of my nails clicking away on my keyboard only reminded me that there were no customers in need of my help…so depressing. I got home and found that my little funky mood had followed me. The boys were making dinner, I had nothing pressing to handle and I could just chill….um, being alone with your thoughts when you are in a crappy mood, well it just stinks. I pouted a bit but tired of my own whining and after pouring myself a rather sizable glass of wine I shuffled to the bathroom….a bath, a hot bath would help me clear my head and my somewhat heavy heart.

The hot water on my bare skin made me suck in my breath, but in that, “Oh God that feels good” kind of way. I sat there letting my skin turn pink, scooping handfuls of water into my cupped hands, watching the steam dance between my fingers, letting the warm liquid trickle down my wrists as I splashed water over my shoulders. Big glass of Pinot Noir wearing, “girl in the tub” droplets that puddled at the base of the glass, Dave Matthews, (Google alert) crooning words of love, rebellion and want in my ears, “Red is the color, of the sun with my eyes closed, I can still taste you…and I will again”. I felt like a jackass for being such a freaking baby about everything and asked myself the question I always do in times like these… “Is this the worst thing?” and the answer was, as it always is, Not even close.

“I’m five months pregnant” those were the last words that escaped my terrified lips just seconds before I was ever hit by a boyfriend. That hit was the last time I was ever hit as a girlfriend. I was 17, stuck in a relationship with a man that treated me horribly….had never hit me before, never even threatened to before, but went out of his way to make me feel like the most disgusting human on the planet. Now before you go feeling all sad for me keep in mind that I allowed this, listened as he told me he was embarrassed to be seen with me in public, made fun of my misspellings in my love letters and told me that he preferred a certain sexual position because he didn’t have to look at my face. I took all of that and as horrible and pathetic as that is, I think I was seeking something, trying to ignite something within me…

That first hit and accusation of, “trying to ruin his life” was in fact exactly what I needed to pull myself out of the self loathing goo that I found myself submerged in. Trying to ruin your life?! I hated him, think I always hated him, but at that second, looking at his gapped tooth face seething hate and rage at me….I knew, I deserved more. I knew it would be my life that would be up heaved by having a baby, my mother that would not speak to me for months and ultimately, my pride that would keep me from asking this sorry son of a bitch for anything. My son was born two months later and his fight to be here, well it inspired a fight in me unlike anything I had ever known.

Ten years, ten years after that first hit and I was still being held hostage by hate and pure evil. The kind of evil that would track someone down, smack a bat against a woman’s face and body in broad daylight, the kind of evil that would run her car off the road, break into her home and remove all the doorknobs and locks…leaving a calling card scrawled in lipstick on her bathroom mirror, “You’re a selfish bitch and you will pay”…I stood there shaking, terrified and not knowing what to do while reading that message. I knew I was afraid, hell I had spent ten years being afraid….didn’t go out, rarely left the house for things that were not work related and spent every second waiting for that other shoe to drop, and that’s when it hit me…I cannot stop any of this. Didn’t know when or if it was coming, couldn’t stop it if I did…so why the hell was I spending whole days, months, years worrying about what might happen?

That final night, (final for the me that was paralyzed with fear) I thought about the women in my life, my mother, my grandmother…both beautiful women, smart women full of raw talent, (my grandmother could sing, my mother could draw…I can do neither dag-nab-it) but they spent their whole lives being miserable and afraid, lived that way and died that way. I knew I wanted more for myself, more for my son, more for the people whose lives I was a part of…that was the night that I decided that I would no longer live in fear. No more sitting at home waiting for the bad shit to show up….it would or it wouldn’t, me putting my life on hold or living within the confines of my home wasn’t going to stop it. No the only thing my self imposed lockdown was doing was stopping me.

As I washed the evil lipstick note from my mirror and waited for the maintenance people to come install new knobs and locks I made myself a promise, “I will not spend the rest of my life….however long it might be, in fear nor do I want to wake up one day and realize that I had a life full of Wednesday nights”. That night set in motion the life that you all see now, the life full of laughter, love, passion and slightly wild behavior. I often hear things like, “Wow, you’re crazy” or “You drank all that on a Tuesday night?” in varying tones from admiration to fear and all I can respond is, “I would rather hang it all up, sleep the rest of my life away than live in someone else’s idea of what MY life should be”

Sitting in the tub reminded me of my promise, reminded me that a year that was less than stellar, is not the worst that can happen….not even close. This year is nearly over, there is light at the end of the tunnel and today, while less than perfect, is a brand new chance to live in my life, laugh in my life and love in my life….I’m gonna.

Tonight I will bid a farewell to 2009, try and remember all the amazing moments I spent with it, toast its demise with R.H. Coutier Grand Cru Brut and 2000 Camille Saves Grand Cru Brut, and tomorrow morning I will shuffle my more than likely, hungover ass to the fridge and pop a bottle of Godme Grand Cru Brut Rose. I’ll raise my glass, crack my slightly evil grin and say, “Okay 2010…what ya got?!”

Happy New Year to you all
Thank you for sharing your time with me
Now get away from your damn computer
Drink something amazing


A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010 TO EVERYONE. LET'S HAVE MORE YEARS OF FUN AND BLOGGING SINGAPORE 60s MUSIC. CHEERS! ABBA was a pop music group formed in Sweden in 1970, consisting of Anni-Frid Lyngstad (Frida), Björn Ulvaeus, Benny Andersson (the B-boys) and Agnetha Fältskog (Anna). Both Anni-Frid and Benny were married. So were Bjorn and Agnetha but both couples later divorced. They became one of the most commercially successful vocal groups in popular music, and topped the charts worldwide from 1972 to 1982.

Website: You Tube Sidebar: Brighnights June 4th, 2006.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

" Meet Max "

Yesterday I wrote about Roxie getting a new home that was a perfect fit for her. I really hated having to give up Roxie as we have been wanting a Border Collie for so long but she is so much happier with the kids. On Christmas Eve, Hubby's cousin whom we got our chickens from called and asked if we would take Max, his 2 year old, fully trained Border Collie? Would we ??? We were ecstatic!

Max is trained to herd chickens but he decided he would herd cattle also.

Trouble is, Cousin doesn't have cattle. He was herding some neighbor cattle and the owners were not happy about it!

Cuz was afraid Max was going to end up shot so he asked us to take him.........

We went and picked him up last Saturday. He is AMAZING !! SUPER SMART !

He and Hubby are best Buds now. Max makes every step Hubby does. He loves herding the cattle while Hubby puts out feed.

He's already taken over my seat in the truck, riding with Hubby.. :)

He lays at the carport door waiting for Hubby to come back out and work with him!
It's funny how life brings you exactly what you need when you need it. We love Max and look forward to having him here for a long time. When the weather gets a little drier, I'm going to start letting the chickens out for a while and he will get them back in to roost.
I'm feeling a tad better today, maybe I can start getting the decorations packed up!! :)

Happy New Year

Dear friends and loyal customers,

As the new year begins, we would like to thank you for your support in the past year and look forward to bringing you even more attractive party packaging, unique and educational gifts and party packs this year.

To the new and existing customers, begin a rewarding year by signing up with us us today and receive the latest update for new arrivals and be the first to sneak a peek at our latest packs and make your reservation for your party.

Please stay tuned as we expand our product line of entertaining and value-for-money party packs and gifts and, as always, we appreciate any ideas you send our way! Thank you. Here's wishing everyone a happy 2010!

Low risk with a return a large profit in Forex Trading

A forex (or foreign exchange) scam is any trading scheme used to defraud traders by convincing them that they can expect to gain a high profit by trading in the foreign exchange market. Currency trading "has become the fraud du jour" as of early 2008, according to Michael Dunn of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission.But "the market has long been plagued by swindlers preying on the gullible," according to the New York Times."The average individual foreign-exchange-trading victim loses about $15,000, according to CFTC records" according to The Wall Street Journal.The North American Securities Administrators Association says that "off-exchange forex trading by retail investors is at best extremely risky, and at worst, outright fraud."

Magical Fairytale Creations

Magical Creations from Grandma's Sewing Room!

She becomes a new spirit with her magical fairytale skirt! She runs, she hops, she smiles, she laughs, she even changes her name! Let the magic begin!

My little daughter loves to play dress up! A perfect gift for someone with an imagination like Isabella's!

Wishing you all a magical New Year!

Magical Fairytale Creations

Magical Creations from Grandma's Sewing Room!

She becomes a new spirit with her magical fairytale skirt! She runs, she hops, she smiles, she laughs, she even changes her name! Let the magic begin!

My little daughter loves to play dress up! A perfect gift for someone with an imagination like Isabella's!

Wishing you all a magical New Year!

design Kitchen and Kitchen Set

Modern LIFE-change requires a fundamental change. Currently, the family homes in the middle of the city's increasingly difficult to find a kitchen full of black soot and sticky floors. Therefore, no wonder if the current split in two kitchens, kitchen, wet and dry kitchen, which has a different function. The kitchen is usually combined with a living room or dining room is often referred to as the

Our Christmas Tree Has Left The Building

We had quite the stressful afternoon!

Joe is on call tonight so he had the afternoon off. We went to lunch at Olive Garden (love the soup and salad lunch special!!) then we decided we had enough time and energy to get our HUGE (dead) Christmas tree out of the house. Joe said he was nervous about how we would get it out but I was confident that it would be easy because I had bought a Tree Removal Bag last year in the after Christmas sales. A bag! Made to wrap trees so you simply carry them right out of the house! What could be easier??

That, my friends, is foreshadowing.

I had bought this "tree removal bag" but let me tell you, it was about as thin as a contact lens and the branches poked right through it. So I decided to wrap a big blanket around the tree. We started dragging all eleven feet of it towards the front door (we had taken all the ornaments off yesterday).


I forgot the tree stand still had water in it.

So we dumped stinky, murky water all over our carpet. Huge puddle. Still holding the tree... now panicking!!!

We finally wedged it through the front door, into the yard and then on top of the car.

And we look like we were in a brawl with a couple of alley cats. And the cats won. We're scratched up everywhere!

I think from now on we will buy a small real Christmas tree and use all artificial for the rest of the house.

The good news: the tree is GONE! Ha!

Spurs game: the gift of VIP

A friend of mine, James Seales, gave me his pair tickets - over $275 a piece - to enjoy the Spurs-Minnesota game last night.

Megan, who knew James from middle school, joined me on the third row.

James posted the offer on facebook that morning, and about ten minutes after I responded, he text-messaged me: "hey, when is the last time you went to a Spurs game?"

He said he had not seen my reply on facebook.

"I was going through my phone list," he told Megan and me, "and I came down to Tyler Cleveland and remembered all the times in Mrs. Wampler's class (freshman year) where you would yell "Ginnooooobili,"" referring to the times I shot paper balls into the trashcan.

It was a perfect night for Ginobili, who came one rebound away from his first triple-double. He came out of the huddle jumping and passing like a globetrotter, obviously feeling good after a recent undefeated roadtrip.

The night was an unforgettable and once-in-a-lifetime experience, but I can't wait to be awarded the best seats in the house one day: sitting indian-style on the baseline with a media badge that says "San Antonio Express-News," hopefully before Manu Ginobili retires!

Shot with my sister's Canon Elf 10mp:

Manu signs autographs. I was about a minute too late.

Bill Land and Sean Elliott for FSN Southwest.

Manu laughs with Dejaun Blair before the game.

Warm-up defense by Manu for Tim Duncan.

Tony Parker

Matt Bonner (left) has a fractured right hand. Michael Finley has a sprained ankle.

Former Ranger photographer Kin Man Hui shoots for the San Antonio Express-News.

Food served in the VIP section

A fan waves a pair of shorts featuring the colors of Manu Ginobili's native country of Argentina.

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