I recently did an interiors blogpost, where I showed you the style of bedroom I'd like. Months and months and months ago, I think it was as we were moving here in May, I mentioned to my Mammy that I'd love a French-style wire mannequin. She somehow remembered it, and guess what Santa brought me? Yep, a gorgeous wire mannequin.

I put the ribbon on myself, but isn't it lovely? I want to decorate it with fairy lights, pearl necklaces (fnar fnar) and some lovely roses. Eeeeeeeh I'm so excited to finally have one of these! I don't know how much it cost, I don't want to know, but I've seen some for around £60 that are nowhere near as nice as mine. But then, I'm biased ;)

They also got me this cute little box. It's cream with hand-painted roses on it. Perfect for my French shabby-chic style bedroom I'm lusting after. It's sitting on my dressing table now, filled with my lip products, so I get to look at and admire it every day :)

And finally, I got these adorable little perfume bottles. I'm assuming my parents got them in the same shop as my mannequin.

Aren't they pretty? I love all stuff like this, and just had to show you all.
I had lots of other lovely gifts but I'm still debating whether I'll do a post on those. I appreciate everything I got though, so thank you to my wonderful family who spoiled me this Christmas!
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