Yesterday I wrote about Roxie getting a new home that was a perfect fit for her. I really hated having to give up Roxie as we have been wanting a Border Collie for so long but she is so much happier with the kids. On Christmas Eve, Hubby's cousin whom we got our chickens from called and asked if we would take Max, his 2 year old, fully trained Border Collie? Would we ??? We were

Max is trained to herd chickens but he decided he would herd cattle also.

Trouble is, Cousin doesn't have cattle. He was herding some neighbor cattle and the owners were not happy about it!
Cuz was afraid Max was going to end up shot so he asked us to take him.........

We went and picked him up last Saturday. He is AMAZING !! SUPER SMART !

He and Hubby are best Buds now. Max makes every step Hubby does. He loves
herding the cattle while Hubby puts out feed.

He's already taken over my seat in the truck, riding with Hubby.. :)

He lays at the carport door waiting for Hubby to come back out and work with him!
It's funny how life brings you exactly what you need when you need it. We love Max and look forward to having him here for a long time. When the weather gets a little drier, I'm going to start letting the chickens out for a while and he will get them back in to roost.
I'm feeling a tad better today, maybe I can start getting the decorations packed up!! :)
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