I'm a little under the weather at the moment but much better than I was yesterday. I have a sinus infection and I started on antibiotics yesterday and feel a little better today. :(
I know you all remember Roxie, the Border Collie I adopted from the shelter. Roxie was a 4 month old puppy when we got her. She is the MOST hyper dog I've ever seen !! She is WAY TOO rambunctious for this farm. She dug holes that could cause a broken bone in a heartbeat! I've had three too many of those!

Meet Haley, Vincent and Tony, our niece and nephews. They live in New Orleans. These children have NEVER had a dog as they lived in an apartment where dogs were not allowed.
Well, they moved into a house with a big fenced yard recently and were just dying for a dog!
So we took Roxie down to New Orleans a few weeks ago and gave her to these precious babies!
Roxie, hit the lottery folks! She is now a "lap dog"! She is sooooo spoiled we can smell her up here! Tony, the oldest exclaimed; " she is the best Christmas present ever" ! She even got "ham and eggs" for her Christmas Dinner along with a sack full of toys!Sometimes an animal is just not the right fit for one family but a perfect fit for another, I'm sure Roxie is very grateful to be where she is now! :)

On a sad note, we lost Miss Kitty. I cried for days over this kitten. We had had her for 6 days, I'd been keeping her in my library. For two days prior, I had let her stay in the carport during the day to get acquainted with TC our outdoor cat and would bring her in the house at night. She would not go out of the carport at all! I had her a litter box there and food and water. On the third day( Dec.18th) I went to the post office to mail some packages. She was in a chair on the carport when I got into the car. When I came back from the post office she was gone! We have concluded that she must have gotten up under my car when I got in it and rode under it . We went door to door around the PO and searched for days. No Miss Kitty! My heart is broke over this!If only I'd put her in the house when I left. :(

Here she is playing in the leg/foot part of my massage chair. :(

Yesterday morning we thought we were going to have a beautiful sunrise..........

It did its best to come out for a little while.............

Only if to reveal a heavy frost under 23 degrees..............

Frost and 23 degrees didn't stop Hubby from fishing and catching 13 huge Bream/blue gill.

It looked like a dusting of snow! There is snow in our forecast next Monday!

I love how quite it is in very cold weather...........

Remember a couple of weeks ago when we got 4 inches of rain overnight on already soaked ground? Here's some pics.............These are the pines on the front.

This is the left side of our drive.............

This is our drive and road under water.............

The water covered the whole road.............

A calf is "island in" on the left of the drive............

Well, it's raining again right now, 100% chance all day! Cold and gloomy! Good day for a sick body to rest! December 2009 has been the wettest month on record for Mississippi. Our area has gotten 14 1/2 inches so far. Have a great day everyone!
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