
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Wedding Assistant

Wedding photographers are always on their feet, unless they're taking a quick break to scarf a complementary plate of the richest, and most delicious, scallop casserole. There's always something to photograph, with a thorough list of family shots: bride/groom/aunt, bride/aunt/son, aunt/uncle/daughter, and so on. Luckily for me, I only had to hold the reflector for barely a sticky-note's worth of family sequences (since only the brides family was there). This reflector of shiny insulation is certainly my next homemade, ghetto-studio invention. It's light, inexpensive, and solar powered to boot!
Alexis Crant was "the" wedding photographer I assisted, helping to fetch family members when she needed them, holding reflectors, taking some requested pics (and some of my own), oh yeah, and constantly being moved out of the way of her shots :). I was fortunate, though, because Alexis is one of those laid back pros who's there to laugh with you, encouraging me to have fun and shoot like crazy, but also means serious business when it really comes down to the results!

Thanks for everything Alexis and I can't wait to learn more on my next job, hopefully soon!

Here are some of my favorites from the wedding:

Practicing before the ceremony

nice color combo

father and son


Delicious!!!! and beautiful

motion-blurred but still worth the post
Some candids:

1st: blown-out window + extra light ^

Adjusting settings like mad to opposite exposure ^ I love these

Get in there!

Yum, I sampled everything!

Daughter speaking of her new dad (with beer)

Come and get it!


Saturday, August 30, 2008

A Couple of New Awards Received!

I am so honored! My blog has received 2 new awards this week! Wow! I don't have my fancy awards dress on, but I wish to thank all of my readers, my director and the cast.... oh wait, I'm not at the Oscars. However I do truly appreciate everyone who visits me here and reads and leaves such wonderful comments and for all of the wonderful blog world friends I've made!

The first award I received from Trudy Honeycutt of Crows in the Attic Primitives. Thank you Trudy!! ( I love your blog too!!)

I am supposed to choose 7 bloggers whose blog I love and that is soooo hard to do, because there are soooo many of them! I have nearly 250 blogs that I read every week and each one of them are deserving. The award is passed to.....

1. Mrs. Staggs of A Happy Miscellany
2. Pammi of Grits Greens & Cornbread
3. Karen of My Yellow Farmhouse
4. Dawn of The Feathered Nest
5. Theresa of Take A Sentimental Journey
6. Tiffany of Shabby Scraps
7. Jennifer of Rustic Goods

The rules are.....
1. The winner can put the logo on their blog
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours
5. Leave a message on the blogs of those you’ve nominated.

The next award is from Char of The Pickled Pepper. Thank you so very much Char!

And I now pass this awesome award along too........(again so very, very hard to choose!)

1. Teresa of Aunt Polly's
2. Linda of Behind My Red Door
3. Jean of Bluejean Primitives
4. Tammy of Rock River Stitches
5. Robin of Bird in the Hand Primitives
6. Belinda of Pond Creek Primitives
7. Jamie of Peach Street's Blog

And the rules are....

*Put the logo on your blog.
*Add a link to the person who awarded you.
*Nominate atleast seven other blogs.
*Add links to those blogs on your blog.
*Leave a message for your nominee on their blogs.

Thank You!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Halloween Costumes and Halloween Fancy Dress

It is no secret that Halloween is the biggest time for fancy dress companies, Halloween costumes have changed a huge amount in recent years driven by the increasing demand of people wanting something different than everyone else for their Halloween fancy dress costume. Sure you can still buy the traditional scary ghost Halloween costume or the wicked witch Halloween costume, but these days there are so many more Halloween costumes out there for you to try.

I do not have that much time today, but just off the top of my head here are a few fancy dress ideas for Halloween for you:

Halloween Fancy Dress Costume Ideas:

Witch Costumes for Halloween
Sexy Witch Costumes
Evil Witch Costumes

Ghost Costumes
Casper the friendly Ghost Costume
Scary Movie Ghost Costumes
Pirate Ghost Costume

Movie Characters Suitable for Halloween
Darth Vader Costume
Darth Maul Costume
Ghostbusters Costumes
Van Helsing Costume
Scream Stalker Halloween Costume
Addams Family Costumes
Frankenstein Costumes
Texas Chainsaw Massacre Costumes
Freddy Krueger Costumes
Friday The 13th Costumes (Jason Voorhees Costumes)
Psycho Costumes
Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas Costumes (Jack Skellington Costume)

Vampire Costumes
Victorian Vampire Costume
Dracula Costume
Fat Dracula Costume

Devil Costumes
Sexy Devil Costumes for Her
Handsome Devil Costumes
Devil Pimp Suit

Other Halloween Costumes
Evil Jester Costumes
Skeleton Costumes
Warewolf Costumes
Headless Horseman Costume
Evil Doctor Costume
Evil Nurse Costume

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Relax and Detoxify With a Ginger Bath

Feeling frazzeled, stressed? Have sore, tired joints. Need some Calgon? Try a ginger bath.

A ginger bath is the most relaxing bath you'll ever have and it detoxifies your body too. Run a good hot full bath and add 1/8 of a cup of either freshly grated ginger or ground ginger--like you buy at the grocery store on the spice isle--that's what I used. You can also add 1 cup of Epsom salts if you like, but that is optional.

Light some candles, maybe play your favorite music, take a book or favorite magazine to read and a tall glass of ice cold water (no soda, tea etc this time), climb into the tub and soak for 30 full mintues.

So what does this do? Well for one thing it will make you sweat and you'll feel like you're in a sauna. It's getting all of the crud out of your body and relaxing you. After you've soaked for 30 quiet, enjoyable minutes, with no interruptions you will continue to sweat for up to an hour--maybe 2, so wear a big terry cloth robe or favorite flannel nightgown and drink water before, during and after--water--not tea, soda etc--you need to keep hydrated for all the sweating. Don't worry though it's not that bad. You can also crawl right into bed and go to sleep, because you'll sleep like a baby! The ginger makes your skin so soft, but surprisingly you won't smell like ginger and you'll be so relaxed feeling. It's wonderful! Much better than Calgon believe it or not.

You shouldn't take a ginger bath more than 2 times a week and they are not for children, people with high blood pressure or chronic diseases, but it is good for arthritis they say.

Try it. You'll love it!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

New Stuff

I've been working on my website lately and have finally come up with the homepage and intro slide! You can preview it with quicktime! Please let me know if something doesn't look right. note: the vid is extra choppy because of blogger.

Here is a pic of a gecko David and I caught, we let it go after taking pictures. Check out his eye, it looks insane full size! and my new(er) logo...

And a great summer-time shot of my neighbor jumping into the pool from his roof! I was lucky enough to get the shot through my open window.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

We've landed in OKC again!

Well.. 2.5 weeks from "the accident" as everyone keeps saying. I'm feeling mucho better! Just today I realized I can now walk up and down stairs by alternating legs, rather than using only my good leg to get up. Later this week I start physical therapy, bi-weekly for a month.

We're now totally moved into the small apartment and I'll be starting my new (awesome) job one of these days soon.

I just found out that my first traveling assignment is to Washington D.C.! Joy! I've always wanted to go there :) When I'm there I get a way cool super-duper-all-access-government-badge, a govnt computer and a govnt cell phone. Oy!

This weekend my mom is driving down to OK to bring me my car, since I haven't been released to drive yet.

'Till then, I'm just chilling at home, rainy days abound.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

More Wayne! (downtown)

Wayne and I took a stroll downtown the other day and found tons of great spots to post up and take photos! It's always a pleasure to have Wayne as a subject, he's just as into the photo shoot as I am and has a creative knack for poses!

Wayne's favorite color is yellow so I made a gradient map!


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