PUFF The Magic Dragon. From Peter, Paul & Mary.
Play YouTube on the right as you listen to the explanation from the dragon's mouth about the 'drug connotation':
"Yes, you know that little ditty...
Once upon a time a long time ago,
In a far off land by the sea,
There lived a (unclear/utterance) Merlion (?) dragon.
Don't you know that it's really a pity because
There never was a different meaning,
Other than the obvious one.
That the magic dragon is only about
The loss of innocence of children.
Now you can tell your friends that the verdict's
From the dragon's father as well..."
Is it about drugs?
This song has been covered by about 50 artistes.
Video: Thanks to YouTube slims86, May 2nd, 2007.
(Introductory words: Extracted by Andy Lim from video.)
Lyrics: "Puff the Magic Dragon lived by the sea/and frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee... /Little Jackie Paper loved that rascal Puff...
Puff = marijuana.
Dragon = Draggin' = inhaling
Jackie Paper = personified a cigarette rolling paper
Mists = exhaled smoke.
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