I just love this little Noritake squirrel and I just listed him in my
Etsy Shoppe.

Isn't he adorable! And I just love his coloring. He's done all in lustreware and this beautiful blue really makes him pop against all the pretty fall decorations.

The leaves, branch and nuts are all dimensional and he's 3-D, so he sticks out away from the vase.

And he has the early Noritake mark on the bottom with M inside the wreath. It's stamped hand painted Made in Japan. This marking was used up until the early 1950's, so that makes him older than me! LOL! Anyway these little squirrel pieces by Noritake are hard to find and are valued rather pricey, but he can be adopted for a very reasonable adoption fee.
If you'd like to take a peek at him in my
Etsy Shoppe please click
HEREWhooo Hooo! I just found out my little squirrel vase has been entered into an
Etsy Treasury found
Thank You!
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