I’ve been spending a fair amount of time posting about what pisses me off, what I think is stoopid or crap I want to veto, well aside from the gushing, “I love you guys” post so I thought in the interest of balance it might be time to post about the stuff I love, the things that geek me out and the things that bring me the most pleasure.
Friends, family and sharing my time, my meals and my laughs with them…that is a no-brainer and I won’t bother wasting anyone’s time, (well shit, more than I do know) by explaining a “No Der”.
Hearing my adorable neighbor laugh…melts me like butta.
Tomato sandwiches, only in the summer, on white bread, with too much mayo.
Love letters
A salty piece of rare steak, rib eye or hanger is preferred.
Day 2 of a trip to Europe, I’m a cranky, befuddled baby the first day. Day 2 and I am full of life, excitement and exploration…like a kid, feels exhilarating.
Changing into my jammies after a long day, in the dark of my bedroom….removing the bra, (Now most women will attest that this is a glorious moment in the day, the freeing of the breasts. Come to think of it, husbands might be rather fond of this as well) and standing in front of the fan, the only sound I can hear is the soft purring as it sways back and forth blowing cool air on my freshly freed skin.
Writing something that makes people laugh, or think….or both.
Photo Credit: © www.laboutiquedebacchus.com
Pommard with at least 10 years on it, one of the sexiest smells I can think of.
Finding that perfect, crispy French fry.
Dave Matthew’s voice, (rawr) and lyrics, man drives me insane.
A rare moment of complete silence, being able to hear the air entering and leaving my chest.
Fingertips on my skin.
Wines that thrill me so much that I buy them for everyone I know, like I cannot wait to share this freaking amazing new thing with them…..whadda dork right?! Well yesterday I had two wines that did just that, flipped my lid and shit howdy I’m fixin to tell you all, (thought better of using y’all, too country for this LA girl) about them!
2008 Domaine de Reuilly Pinot Gris Rose, ($16.99) Looking at the faintly pink color one might assume the wine is made from Pinot Noir, not that big a stretch seeing as it is from the Loire Valley but while most Pinot Gris is made into white wine, it does have dark skin and this wine gets its color from contact with that skin. Such delicate aromatics, a bit of peach and fennel with flint and limestone creeping up in the back. Elegant and refined on the palate, gentle fruit, more minerals and an airy delicacy on the finish. Gentle, regal, pretty…yum.
2008 Domaine Salvard Cheverny Rose, ($12.99) I tasted both these wines, one right after the other and this wine tasted more like home to me, when long time customer, friend and sometimes poster, Vicki tasted it she said, “Well no wonder you like this one better, it taste the way you are…kind of wild and full of acid”…that was cool by the way…but there is a wild nature to this little Rose, less pretty…more sexy, tangy, tart, full of herbs, fresh cut grass and lime rind. I dig it and brought another home with me last night, we spent the night together this wine and I…we are in love.
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