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From the website
The Winerack every girls best friend!Turn an A cup in to double Ds AND sport your favorite beverage for yourself and your friends! Better than a Boob Job and Cheaper Too! Not to mention the savings on over priced drinks.We developed The Winerack to “Fill Out” our product line if you will. The picture shown here is of our good friend Drea, who is NOT, no offense Drea, Well Endowed. Sporting the Winerack and Voila’ Drea’s giving Pamela Anderson a run for the money.Take a bottle of wine, a mixed drink or even a fifth of your favorite hard stuff to the movies, concerts, ball games, even PTA meetings. Sporting a rack that will turn heads and serving a beverage that will have guys standing in line for a sip of your secret stash!With simple blow into the tube it's easy to keep that full look even as you drink from your secret stash.
Very comfortable sports bra available in versitile black.
Polyurathane bladder holds over 750ml or 25oz. of your favorite beverage.
Drinking tube long enought to route as you wish.
Easy to use on/off valve to control the flow.
Small Size best for 32A thru 34B. See Tech Specs for sizing chart.
Design optimized for smaller cup sizes
& For Him
The Beerbelly Deluxe
The BeerBelly + One Step Cleanser + Pleasure Extender (Hot/Cold Pack)
Makes the Perfect Gift!!
The Beerbelly brings Freedom to the Beverage! Now you can drink WHAT you want, WHEN you want, WHERE you want, with no hassles and for less money! What more could you ask for? Now you can drink your favorite beverage at the movies, the ballgame, on the plane, anywhere, YOU DECIDE!
Deluxe Kit Includes the BeerBelly, 1 Step Cleanser, and Pleasure Extender Hot/Cold Pack (Specifically designed for The BeerBelly).
Pays for itself in less than 2 uses! Now you can take up to 80oz. of your favorite beverage wherever you go... Even where "they" don't want you to! The bladder is held in an insulated pouch in the sling which is worn under your clothing for concealment. When worn, it looks just like a beerbelly, and stays cold for hours!
For Both

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