Hey all you bloggers,
today I watched the Musical comedy about money,well you all know that money is very important to everybody but Simly me can still survive without it.Anyway it is hilarious 1.Because they have Kumar and I haven't watched him act for many years and he is still the best drag queen there is no matter what2.Because the Dim Sum Dollies do the most hilarious dance numbers ever3.The last thing is because Hossan Leong acts in it and he does a hilarious "Smooth Criminal" by Micheal Jackson remedy he truely can dance.I think that the financial crisis can really teach us what true friendship and family means and that money isn't the most important thing ok I have to go count my money now.WHAT?Just because isn't the most important does not mean it's not important!I rate it a 4 and a 1/2 go buy the tickets now!haha,Until the next post
xoxo Simply me
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