I didnt get tagged to do this but I saw it on Zoella's blog and thought that since I'm a new blogger, it'd be a good opportunity for you all to get to know the girl behind the keyboard :) So here we go...

Me: Laura
Nicknames: Lollipop
Birthday: 17th March
Place of Birth: Wales, UK
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Male or Female: Female
Occupation: I'd rather not say. It's a normal job, not anything dodgy or seedy, just want to keep it private :)
Residence: Still in Wales
Screen Name: Laura / MissLaura84 / Lollipop / MissLollipop84... Original or what?!
Hair Colour: Medium blonde
Hair Length: Loooooong. Halfway down my back :)
Eye colour: Blue
Best Feature: My eyes or my hair as they get the most compliments
Height: 5ft6-ish
Braces?: Nope, never
Glasses?: I desperately need to go and get my eyes checked, so at the moment, no, but afterwards, probably!
Piercings: Only my ears that have had a reaction to a particular pair of earrings, so they are too sensitive now :(
Tattoos: None - would love a white ink one though
Righty or Lefty: Righty
First best friend: Eleanor
First Award: I don't win things :( Oh, actually, I won the award for best Rocket at school camp.
First Sport You Joined: Umm.. don't know. Rounders I guess in school?
First Real Vacation: I've never been on a 'proper' holiday, as in abroad. I'm scared of flying, like my Mam. We were recently planning a holiday in New York, but there was something like 2 plane crashes there that week... so it's put me off again.
First Concert: All Saints
First Love: My Share Bear Carebear or my pet bunnies, Kylie and Jason, both from my childhood. First real love? Gareth, my fiance :)
Movie: I love loads - Dirty Dancing, Twilight and The Goonies are my most watched.
TV Show: I don't watch a lot of TV but I do like Heroes and America's Next Top Model (I hate the British one though!). And Ugly Betty but I've missed it from half of the second series onwards and it's too far along for me to get back into it. I'll sit down with the boxset one day :) Oh and Skins. And I like the X Factor and Britain's Got Talent, and I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here when they're on. Okay, maybe I do watch a lot of TV!
Colours: Pink, black, white/cream
Song: I've got looooooooads - Stand By Me by Ben E King, Never Forget by Take That, Songbird by Eva Cassidy, Leave Your Side by Sade, Use Somebody by Kings of Leon... loads
Candy: I go through phases and eat so much of something until I go off it. At the moment I'm loving Rowntrees Fruit Gums (not Pastilles), but before that it was Iced Gems. Yum.
Restaurant: Haven't really got one - I'll eat anywhere since I'm just so glad to not have to cook! lol
Store: I don't want to be obvious and say MAC/Lush/Boots so I'll say Accessorize
School: Favourite school? Weird question... Hogwarts?
Book: The Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer, the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling and the Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella
Magazine: Look and Cosmo
Shoes: I've got chocolate and cream spotty wedges with a big bow on the front that I absolutely live in lately :)
Feeling: Hungry - I can smell the roast dinner cooking downstairs. Mmmm
Single or Taken: Taken
Eating: Nothing - I'm waiting for my dinner
Typing: This innit?
Online: Obviously!
Listening To: Florence and the Machine - Dog Days Are Over. Love this song at the moment!
Thinking About: Payday. I can't decide what to spend my money on
Wanting: My dinner! lol
Watching: Nothing
Wearing: My pink PJ's that has a cow going 'Over The Mooooooon' all over them. Cute. I haven't long had a shower so nothing glamourous!
Want Children?: Yep. One boy and one girl please :)
Want to be Married: God yes! After 7 years of being engaged, I think it's about time. I actually think our engagement is void as it's been so long! lol
Careers in Mind: I'm happy at my current job :) I wish I had gone to uni or done smething make-up related when I was younger though
Where do you want to live?: New York
Kissed a Stranger: Yep
Had Alcohol: Far too much of it! Always end up making a tit of myself because of it too...
Smoked: Yes, but only to try it
Ran Away From Home: Threatened to but never did
Broken a bone: Nope
Got an X-ray: Yes
Broken Someone's Heart: I hope not
Broken Up With Someone: Yes
Cried When Someone Died: Yes
Cried At School: Yes
God: No
Miracles: No
Love At First Sight: No
Ghosts: No
Aliens: No
Soul Mates: Yes
Heaven: No
Hell: No
Kissing on The First Date: Oooh yes!
Yourself: Nope. I'm very anti-me.
Me: Laura
Nicknames: Lollipop
Birthday: 17th March
Place of Birth: Wales, UK
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Male or Female: Female
Occupation: I'd rather not say. It's a normal job, not anything dodgy or seedy, just want to keep it private :)
Residence: Still in Wales
Screen Name: Laura / MissLaura84 / Lollipop / MissLollipop84... Original or what?!
Hair Colour: Medium blonde
Hair Length: Loooooong. Halfway down my back :)
Eye colour: Blue
Best Feature: My eyes or my hair as they get the most compliments
Height: 5ft6-ish
Braces?: Nope, never
Glasses?: I desperately need to go and get my eyes checked, so at the moment, no, but afterwards, probably!
Piercings: Only my ears that have had a reaction to a particular pair of earrings, so they are too sensitive now :(
Tattoos: None - would love a white ink one though
Righty or Lefty: Righty
First best friend: Eleanor
First Award: I don't win things :( Oh, actually, I won the award for best Rocket at school camp.
First Sport You Joined: Umm.. don't know. Rounders I guess in school?
First Real Vacation: I've never been on a 'proper' holiday, as in abroad. I'm scared of flying, like my Mam. We were recently planning a holiday in New York, but there was something like 2 plane crashes there that week... so it's put me off again.
First Concert: All Saints
First Love: My Share Bear Carebear or my pet bunnies, Kylie and Jason, both from my childhood. First real love? Gareth, my fiance :)
Movie: I love loads - Dirty Dancing, Twilight and The Goonies are my most watched.
TV Show: I don't watch a lot of TV but I do like Heroes and America's Next Top Model (I hate the British one though!). And Ugly Betty but I've missed it from half of the second series onwards and it's too far along for me to get back into it. I'll sit down with the boxset one day :) Oh and Skins. And I like the X Factor and Britain's Got Talent, and I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here when they're on. Okay, maybe I do watch a lot of TV!
Colours: Pink, black, white/cream
Song: I've got looooooooads - Stand By Me by Ben E King, Never Forget by Take That, Songbird by Eva Cassidy, Leave Your Side by Sade, Use Somebody by Kings of Leon... loads
Candy: I go through phases and eat so much of something until I go off it. At the moment I'm loving Rowntrees Fruit Gums (not Pastilles), but before that it was Iced Gems. Yum.
Restaurant: Haven't really got one - I'll eat anywhere since I'm just so glad to not have to cook! lol
Store: I don't want to be obvious and say MAC/Lush/Boots so I'll say Accessorize
School: Favourite school? Weird question... Hogwarts?
Book: The Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer, the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling and the Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella
Magazine: Look and Cosmo
Shoes: I've got chocolate and cream spotty wedges with a big bow on the front that I absolutely live in lately :)
Feeling: Hungry - I can smell the roast dinner cooking downstairs. Mmmm
Single or Taken: Taken
Eating: Nothing - I'm waiting for my dinner
Typing: This innit?
Online: Obviously!
Listening To: Florence and the Machine - Dog Days Are Over. Love this song at the moment!
Thinking About: Payday. I can't decide what to spend my money on
Wanting: My dinner! lol
Watching: Nothing
Wearing: My pink PJ's that has a cow going 'Over The Mooooooon' all over them. Cute. I haven't long had a shower so nothing glamourous!
Want Children?: Yep. One boy and one girl please :)
Want to be Married: God yes! After 7 years of being engaged, I think it's about time. I actually think our engagement is void as it's been so long! lol
Careers in Mind: I'm happy at my current job :) I wish I had gone to uni or done smething make-up related when I was younger though
Where do you want to live?: New York
Kissed a Stranger: Yep
Had Alcohol: Far too much of it! Always end up making a tit of myself because of it too...
Smoked: Yes, but only to try it
Ran Away From Home: Threatened to but never did
Broken a bone: Nope
Got an X-ray: Yes
Broken Someone's Heart: I hope not
Broken Up With Someone: Yes
Cried When Someone Died: Yes
Cried At School: Yes
God: No
Miracles: No
Love At First Sight: No
Ghosts: No
Aliens: No
Soul Mates: Yes
Heaven: No
Hell: No
Kissing on The First Date: Oooh yes!
Yourself: Nope. I'm very anti-me.
So there we have it! Hope that told you all a bit more about me. I tag (if they haven't already been tagged!):
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