Ironing--rather boring don't you think (but I do love this vintage photo!). While it may be no fun to do, it's even less fun to wear wrinkledy clothes and I am an ironer and my poor old iron finally died.
See it just came apart at the seams and I have no idea how. I didn't do it and no one in the house is fessing up to it. Hmm.......
So what's a girl to do?........
Well I did have a few other irons.......
...nothing special, but this old travel iron won't do. It has no steam and gets really, really hot, so it would probably scorch my clothes! And besides it's doing decorating duty......
....Then there's my itty bitty, barely 4 inches long really cool little iron that I use for quilting. It's great for quilting, but just how long would it take to iron an entire blouse or dress?.........
...or there's my little Clover quilting iron with the nifty changeable heads, but that would really never do! I would be better off tossing my wrinkled clothes into the dryer and baking them wrinkle free........
...and then there's this.....the Proctor Silex $16.00 iron that came home with me from Big Lots. It will do. It's big enough, it gets hot, but not too hot and it has steam and multiple settings. Good for a cheapy iron that will probably last a year or two if I'm lucky, but I'm not complaining---til it dies right in the middle of ironing my favorite dress!..................

AND then! There is This! The Black & Decker F63E! This is what I want! I had one just like it that my mother gave to me in 1981 as a bridal shower gift and I used it a good 20 years or more before it gave out and went to iron heaven. Nope it's not fancy. It's not a Rowenta, but it's a good, solid, heavy duty, working iron that lasts and lasts the way an iron should. Yup, this is what I want. See I really am a simple girl. LOL!
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