
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Things I learned through July 2011

Happy Sunday you lovely people! Hope you've enjoyed July. I realised the other day how close Christmas is. I know, I know, it's only August tomorrow, but because we have such big families, Mr Lollipop and I start Christmas shopping at the end of September. Which is Just. Next. Month. Technically. Next month, I will be Christmas shopping. For realz. So that's how I'm stunned that Christmas is so close. But, let's not wish our lives away - we have lots of sunshine and BBQ's to get through first! This is what I learned this month:

1. Meat and fish don't agree with me.

2. My Gran's bathroom has the best natural lighting. I love posing in her bathroom mirror!

3. How to use the new computer system at work. Really interesting stuff...

4. I am addicted to YooMoo frozen yoghurt. The vanilla one especially is delightful.

5. I'm awful at goodbyes! Even temporary ones.

6. Women are not very good at comedy. Sorry ladies.

7. I tend to live in my own little bubble. I like it. I avoid lots of melodrama around me that way.

8. Wedding venues that tick every box are impossible to come by.

9. I can be over-fussy.

10. I don't necessarily think that over-fussy is always a bad thing.

11. Hayfever is rife this year, and even people who have never suffered are suffering.

12. Blogger is a pain in the arse.

13. Giving up meat is simple.

14. It just means I have to be a little bit more creative with what I eat.

15. Mr Lollipop is getting broodier by the day. It doesn't help when I get a few rare moments of broodiness.

16. If using water in smoothies, it is best to use a sparkling, flavoured variety. Using bog standard tap water will just dilute the flavour. Obviously. Seemed a good idea at the time.

17. I don't like olives.

18. I'm also not big on Quorn.

19. Linda McCartney's vegetarian range is quite impressive though.

20. When workmen burst a waterpipe and the water is cut off at home, mouthwash makes a good water alternative for brushing teeth.

21. The final installment of Harry Potter makes me cry, regardless of whether it is a film or a book.

22. Graze boxes are amazing. Love them!

23. Giving a 2 year old a hose pipe to fill his paddling pool will end in a disaster. A soaking wet Laura shaped disaster.

24. I'll never tire of watching Friends.

25. I can't seem to multitask, because...

26. ...using hair straighteners whilst playing with my iPhone will result in me using said iPhone to try and straighten my hair and...

27. fantastic as iPhones are, they cannot straighten hair.

28. Amy Winehouse lost her battle with drugs.

29. People can be super judgemental, often on issues they don't fully understand or have no first-hand experience of.

30. Chanel Rouge Coco Shines are glorious lipsticks and I simply must expand my collection.

31. Someone is pregnant but I can't say who. Not that any of you know her but she might stumble across my blog. Or someone who knows both of us could tell her and I'd be up to my knees in doodoo. Not nice.

What did you learn during July?


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