Hey all you bloggers,
well it's me again.Dreams,I don't know where to begin when you lay your head on your soft pillow all you think of is having a dream which will make your heart soar with jubilancy.Dreams make you feel wanted when everyone abandons you or you feel happy even if it's the worst day of your life,because you know for 5,6,7,8,9 or even 10 hours you get to dream about the thing that you want most whether it's a guy that you like and you really want him to notice you and you are falling for him or whether it's scoring the highest aggregate score at PSLE dreaming about your future your past of heck even the present why not?However,soon when you are about to wake up the dream starts to fade away and reality slaps you back in the face.Some dreams are not when you sleep though dreams are just something that you want very badly why not fight for what you want.I always do ok sometimes ok fine never but I will change.When you want to make your dreams come true do it.If you have been following me on facebook then you will see that I posted that dreams are all you have don't give up on them one day you will see them become reality and it is only up to you to make them come true whether it's your love life,future of life.So dream a little dream of me....
Simply me
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