
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Driftwood Mirror FOR LESS

The other day I got this delightful catalog in the mail:

When I was flipping through I found THE CUTEST mirror I've ever seen.

But then I saw the price. Ouch!!!

But then I got to thinking... why couldn't I just make that myself?

I found a rectangular mirror at Walmart for $9.99. Then I found some willow branches at Michael's for $5.99.

That's less than twenty dollars (incase you're keeping track! Ha!). I broke all the branches up into pieces. I tried to vary the sizes and I sorted them into piles by thickness.

Then I started hot gluing the branches on, starting with the thick ones to cover the frame and adding the smaller ones at the top to add texture. It took me less than an hour to do the entire frame!

Then I was ready to hang!

I love it - maybe even more than the catalog one, plus I didn't have to wait for it to be shipped to me! Plus it was cheap - sixteen dollars!

So what do you think??

By the way, Pottery Barn has a driftwood mirror too. It's $199.99 and I still like ours better! Ha!

And here's a round one from West Elm for $129. Cute but still pricey.

I hope you feel inspired to make your own driftwood mirror. Please let me know if you do - I'd love to see pictures of how yours turns out!

Congrats Lori - you're the winner from yesterday's I've Got Questions. Please click Contact Me and send me your address so I can mail you your prize :)

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