The other day I got this delightful catalog in the mail:

When I was flipping through I found THE CUTEST mirror I've ever seen.
But then I saw the price. Ouch!!!

I found a rectangular mirror at Walmart for $9.99. Then I found some willow branches at Michael's for $5.99.

That's less than twenty dollars (incase you're keeping track! Ha!). I broke all the branches up into pieces. I tried to vary the sizes and I sorted them into piles by thickness.

I love it - maybe even more than the catalog one, plus I didn't have to wait for it to be shipped to me! Plus it was cheap - sixteen dollars!

By the way, Pottery Barn has a driftwood mirror too. It's $199.99 and I still like ours better! Ha!
Congrats Lori - you're the winner from yesterday's I've Got Questions. Please click Contact Me and send me your address so I can mail you your prize :)
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