
Monday, January 31, 2011

Things I learned through January 2011

Yo dudettes. Can you believe that we're one month into 2011 already? I bloody hate January so I'm glad it's over! Here is what I've learned :)

1. I might be spending too much time on Blogger if I'm spending many nights dreaming about attending weddings of certain bloggers.

2. Top knots don't suit me, despite being the simplest 'do ever.

3. My job might not be safe.

4. An eyebrow lift would cost me £150 with mates rates. Woo!

5. Damn You Autocorrect is hilarious! I still haven't got used to texting with my iPhone, and often type 'Love you lots like jelly tits' instead of 'jelly tots', so although I think some of them on this website are staged, I can relate!

6. Sophie Kinsella doesn't exist. She's actually a lady called Madeline Wickham.

7. Couch to 5k is the best fitness app ever.

8. Vince Vaughan is a hottie.

9. Not all secrets are bad. With the right person, a secret can be very special. Ooh cryptic...

10. Sometimes, it's better the devil you know.

11. Portion size and control is imperative to healthy eating. Sounds simple enough but it's literally only just twigged.

12. Wearing dangly earrings with an 18 month old around is lethal.

13. The hair colour that suits me the bestest is Perfect 10 Medium Ash Blonde. It's taken me a few goes but I've finally found the nicest one.

14. L'Oreal Voluminous with the grey tube is better than the L'Oreal Voluminous with the black tube, even though the black tube one says it's 5x more voluminous lashes compared to the 4x of the grey.

15. A single McDonald's meal can rack up 1500 calories. Shocking!

16. You are not a person to your employer. You are just a number.

17. The UK's Biggest Loser isn't as intense as the US version. The trainers are nowhere near as scary as Jillian Michaels!

18. I don't think I'll ever be 100% happy with my blog layout.

19. Asda is loads cheaper than Tesco. How unfortunate that I don't like Asda's fruit, vegetables or meat.

20. Weightloss won't happen overnight, sadly...

21. ...Unless you're Mr L. It's really annoying to see the weight just dropping off him (as opposed to dropping off me!) but I am incredibly proud of him. He's got a yum bum ;)

22. I'm indecisive about everything.

23. And I hate change.

24. People falling over is the funniest thing in the world to me. Even when I'm in agony on the floor after falling over myself, I manage to laugh.

25. Some people are really spiteful and nasty, with too much time on their hands, as demonstrated recently when some dickhead took the time to create a fake profile, just to send me abusive messages. I just deleted them, but really, it baffles me. We're grown ups now for goodness sake. Think I know who it is now too, since I have a spiteful and nasty colleague.

26. So I also learned how to change my privacy settings on FB.

27. My aim of being more happy and positive was maybe a little too optimistic for me. I am trying though!

28. Bathing in milk is actually not as gross as it sounds.

29. I love the T-Mobile adverts.

30. For the time being, my job is safe again.

31. Erm... I wasn't going to post this one but it might be 'helpful' to some of you. If you are planning on partaking in a bit of bum fun, you shouldn't eat sweetcorn. Because it doesn't get digested, it kind of just sits in your gut waiting to be pooped out... Apparently it can get stuck in the penis and cause infection. Nice. We were discussing colonic irrigation in work which developed into a conversation about things up bums... 

And I'll leave you with that bombshell... Bubbye!

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