(1) Joe and I watched The Birds. Who could forget Alfred Hitchcock? It's been years since I've seen this oldie-but-goodie. And it's still freaky. And, I swear, walking in to work this morning there were crows circling my head... *cue predator music*
(2). I did, like, 26.4 million loads of laundry. Since I've been traveling for a month solid (and not even unpacking my suitcases in between trips) I had a MOUND of stuff to clean. I even forgot how to use my dryer. Oops.
(3) I cooked. Nice, right?
(4) I caught up on some of the crap reality tv shows I TiVo'd over the last month.
(5) And the funnest one of all (I know funnest isn't a word). I've been drooling over home decorating inspiration pictures. I can't wait to be *hopefully* buying a house soon... Lookie at some of my fav's

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