Hey all you people(or bloggers),
on Thursday a birthday passed(again)and this was the first party which actually had a great vibe to it(and great food)anyway it was after Sports day and we had to get even more sweaty because we just ran around a lot.Well we played,truth or dare,dress up,computer games and we also acted some scenes from any movie we thought of.Well we also ate Pizza Hut,Eskimo's ice cream,lays chips and Mcdonalds.But I was almost late for my Piano Lesson and if I was I would never hear the end of it from my family.On a scale of 1 to 10 I would rate it a 7 anyway nothing much happened after that so if you want to find more about the blog that Ashleigh(the birthday girl) and I created go to this website-www.savetheearth911.blogspot.com any way I need go and do some stuff keep reading to find out more about a life of a tween gypsie!
P.S There is a picture of me and the goodie bag that was from Thursday's party!
xoxo Simplyme!

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