Hey all you bloggers,
well today was a monumental day.It was the very first day I ever took a taxi on a weekend and it is insane honestly you probably have to wait for half an hour or 45 minutes and it is so tiring it was just crazy having to wait that long for a taxi but at least I know how it feels like now. :P However this is not what this blog post was about.I am here to talk to you about a musical I went to watch today.It was amazing.Wild Rice tried someone new by using contemporary songs but turning it into their own songs by giving it a remix it was really interesting.I really loved the acting as well it was really funny and it was just great.And all those of you who are fans of Hady Mirza and Sylvia Ratonel this is definitely the play for you because you get to hear the both of them sing.It was a really interesting show and there are many surprises here and there so please go and watch it,it's on till the 17th so if you haven't please go and book your tickets! :)
Simply me
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