Hey all you bloggers,
well as all P6 students know the PSLE results came out on the 25th of November and Simply me got her results as well.Well suffice to say I wasn't really satisfied with my results because I know that I am capable of so much more than that.So I have started a daily regimen everyday I will eat healthily,sleep earlier,revise more and most importantly take care of myself properly.I know that sometimes we fall down in life but it's our choice whether we want to get back up or not.I know it sounds like it's from the karate kid but I came up with this by myself but I don't care if you believe it or not :P.Just kidding.Anyway I know that sometimes we don't take things seriously because in a period of time in our lives we don't think that they matter or that they are even important but we don't realise that maybe what was really important never seemed that way before.Think about that before it's too late.
Simply me
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