Hey all you bloggers,
well as all fellow school members would know tomorrow we go back to school even though me might groan at least we had a time to jump around like a maniac,go shopping,movies fun things.Well today my mom brought me out for a movie so that when i go back to school tomorrow i will still have a sense of joy in me.Today me and my mom decide to swing to a classic we went to watch Letters to Juliet,I can honestly say that it was a great movie.I loved it.My mom cried buckets but i didn't i am not so much a romantic but one day my prince will come.I think he may have came already but i don't have the guts to talk to him so......well here is a short summary:Sophie Hall (Amanda Seyfried) is a fact checker at The New Yorker magazine who dreams of becoming a writer, but her boss, Bobby, does not share her wishes. Sophie’s fiance, Victor (Gael Garcia Bernal), is about to open an Italian restaurant in downtown New York. To celebrate, the two go on a “pre-honeymoon” to Verona, Italy. However, Victor is very enthusiastic about, and busy with, finding the best wines and cheeses for his restaurant and, to Sophie's disappointment, has hardly time for her. While he is out one day, Sophie goes sightseeing and comes across the house where Juliet Capulet supposedly lived and watches in awe as numerous people gather to write letters to Juliet about their loves and post them on Juliet’s wall. Sophie writes of this in her journal for a few hours and sits on a bench, waiting for closing time, to see what becomes of the letters. A young Italian woman comes to collect the letters, putting them all into a straw basket, and Sophie follows her to a restaurant where the woman meets with three other women, who reveal themselves to be “Juliet’s secretaries”, writing back to each of the letters. The next day, Sophie helps Isabel, one of the secretaries, take the letters. A loose brick falls, and behind it is a crumpled, envelope. Sophie discovers it is a 1957 letter written by Claire, an English woman who while in Italy studying art, fell in love with Lorenzo Bartolini. When he asked her to run away with him, she did not show up and wrote to Juliet about it. Sophie writes back. A few days later Claire's eccentric grandson Charlie comes and asks who wrote the letter and they find out that Claire has not given up hope in finding her Romeo and together they go on an adventure but will Claire ever find her Lorenzo?Some of us wait too long until it's gone while other don't know that something is as good as it is until it's gone.......
Simply me
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