
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Time for a change

Hello my lovelies!

It's taken me a little while to get back into the blogging habit. Everytime I open my laptop and start typing, I get sidetracked by Twitter, YouTube, or planning our next trip. Unfortunately, I don't get sidetracked by my NVQ, which is so overdue I'm almost too scared to look! Maybe later... Another thing that has been sidetracking me has been weightloss.

Now, if you follow a few beauty bloggers on Twitter, you will know about a fitness regime called the 30 Day Shred. This post isn't dedicated to that since Gemma's Twitter, blog and YT Videos already explain it better than I ever could, but all of the Shredders (I'm reminded of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles everytime I say that!) have inspired me to bite the bullet and face up to the fact that I need to lose weight.

I have always had weight issues, but it escalated as soon as I hit my teens. Yes, puberty. And it escalated even further when I met Mr L, as we were eating out a lot (and sometimes still do).  I also have PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) which is a hormonal imbalance. One of the problems with PCOS means that losing weight is very hard, and gaining weight is very easy. I can't use that as an excuse though. The amount of crap I eat is the biggest contributor to my weight problem! I have been on countless diets but have only ever half heartedly tried at them, more to humour my mother than to do it for myself. I know I'm ready to put my all into it though, as I'm just so unhappy with the way I look. It's starting to affect my day-to-day life and I just can't go on like it anymore. I don't mean my weight is affecting physical things, like it doesn't stop me doing my job or whatever, it just affects my attitude and my outlook on things. I'm just constantly miserable, which isn't good.

After a week or two of eating nothing but cupcakes, I have decided enough is enough! So, on Monday I started eating healthily.
  • I've kept a food diary
  • I've been drinking lots of water
  • I've been eating things like homemade vegetable soups for lunch
  • I've chosen healthy snacks like fruit if I simply must eat something
  • I've started eating breakfast
  • I've looked more at the calorie content of things than I used to
  • I've stopped adding sugar to my hot drinks
Today is day 4 and I feel great. No urges for chocolate (coming from a chocaholic!) and never mind 5-a-day, I'm easily munching and drinking my way through 8! I'm feeling more alert and feel more energetic if nothing else.

I haven't started properly exercising yet - like doing the 30 Day Shred, or setting aside 30 minutes three times a week to work out - but I have been walking a lot more. My new trainers and workout clothes just got delivered though, so I'm actually really looking forward to going for a jog with my Mam on Saturday morning, and then having a go at Shredding!

I was in two minds whether to post this or not. Normally when I start a diet and tell the world, I feel like a big fat failure (no pun intended) whenever they see me shoving a cream cake or piece of chocolate in my mouth. I feel as though I'm letting a lot of people down if I don't succeed in losing weight.

Then I realised that being so negative was one of the main problems. It's setting me up for failure before I've even started. Of course it's not going to be easy, but losing weight is something I really want to do. I want to be one of those people who loves the gym, or loves going for a run in the rain. I think I'm going to be a long way off that yet though haha. I am, however, ready to put my absolute 100% into this. And you, my lovely followers, are my witnesses.

If you have or know of any fab weightloss blogs, videos or websites, do feel free to tell me about them in the comments. And if you haven't already, go and check out Gemma's links above. She is an absolute inspiration to me. Thank you Gemma :) You can also check out these lovely ladies - Victoria, Kelly here and here, and Cat. They also have YT channels that you can find through their blogs, with helpful videos on their weightloss tips, recipes, and just general vlogs on their healthy eating and exercising missions.


All of the images that inspire me are from weheartit

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