Max however has won the battle of "who's " the farm boss! Head em up, move em out Max....
He keeps them out around the back and herds em up at roost time! The only thing he can't do it shut the door and lock it!
Spring has won the battle against Winter it seems............
The Amaryllis are popping up.............
I have one lone cluster of Daffodils..........I need to plant some more of these!
They just don't last long enough to suit me............
The Tulip Tree has been a beauty this year............
Peach Tree blooms.............
The Empress Tree is just loaded with lavender bells...............
One Iris has bloomed so far...............
The Weigela is gorgeous................
I'm willing to bet the Joseph's Coat is gonna show out big time before I know it.........
We may even get May haw's this year from the looks of these blooms..........
I put the new Hummingbird feeder up Thursday evening and look who showed up Friday morning!
Everything thing around here is battling to win. I have been in the fight of my life against this wicked Respiratory Virus. It's been 12 days and I'm still fighting for breath and my head and chest are full of gunk! After 10 days of strong antibiotics with no real relief, I took matters into my own hands yesterday and reverted to a thousand year old proven method. A Neti Pot for Sinus cleansing! I don't know why I didn't go this route to start with as it used to be all I ever did for cold and sinus problems years ago. I got major relief last night and will continue it daily from here on out. I'm gonna win this battle !!!!!!!!!!!!

I also read an article in my MJ Farm magazine yesterday about taking 1 teaspoon of honey and 1/4 teaspoon of Cinnamon mixed to relieve any sinus or chest congestion problems so I am doing this too !!
At present I'm almost finished reading the 2nd book in Nancy Turner's Sarah Prine series, "Sarah's Quilt". It is a real good read though not as good as " These Is My Words " and written quite different. I'm hoping the 3rd one, "The Star Garden" is more like the first...........
Lately I'm also having the most vivid crazy dreams! I normally don't remember the details of my dreams but the last few nights I can remember every detail. A few nights ago I dreamed a friend had a baby boy. It was so real I can still see the little fellow plain as day! Since she is long past having babies, there is no way this would come true unless it's a grandson! HA!
Last night I helped save antiques from another friends Victorian home which was on fire!
Any of you know what dreams mean??????????

Tomorrow I plan to spend the day visiting you guys whom I've neglected horribly!!
Have A Great Weekend Everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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