I'm back today trying to catch up on all of your activities over the past few days! I feel like I've been out of town and am finally home! Ha! What a whirlwind the past few days have been! WHEW! I was exhausted!! We went to bed at 7: p.m last night and slept till 6:a.m this morning!

We had a WONDERFUL time on
TG Day! A lot less people than last year, this year it was just a few family members. Here you see left to right; my daughter Melanie( the girl ),my cousin Sheila and my step-mom Jeanette. Melanie's children were at their Dad's this year and her husband Randy had to work, so his family had their
TG last night. Melanie left yesterday morning to go home.

Here you see my Dad who will be 82 in January, my cousin David who is a doctor in New Orleans and his mother, my Aunt Wilma. My Dad was so overwhelmed by the dining room he said;
" is this New York or Hollywood" ? There were 8 in all and we had such a good time!

That afternoon David and "the girl" went to see the movie "New Moon ",
Sheila, who is a manager at Walmart had to be at work at 2:am for Black Friday so she went home to sleep. Dad and Jeanette had to get home before dark, David went back to NO after the movie. That night Hubby, Melanie, Wilma and I played SKIP BO till midnight. Hubby is greasing the card shuffler.

Most of you know my favorite place in this world is the Appalachian Mountains ! I try my best to visit at least twice every year, especially in the fall. I did not get to go this fall! :(
I love
Cades Cove and the John Oliver Cabin ( below) as John Oliver was the first to settle in
Cades Cove.

My sweet husband built me this little cabin and gave it to me on
TG morning! Be sure to enlarge pictures and look at the detail. Look at the little chair!

He has the
chimney on the wrong side but I LOVE IT!

Look at the little window! He said to me; "I know you're sad you didn't make it to the mountains so I built you this so you would feel less loss about it"

TGD, we had another hen start laying ! We are finally getting TWO eggs a day!

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