Hey all you bloggers,
sorry for being so late with this post had a lot on my mind so i am gonna type it out on my blog i am going to be civilised and not use bad words against that person.We are not really friends i only pretend to like her if i did i think i would be Singapore's next Sociopath.Well this person thinks that she can get everything that she wants and she just crticices other people to make herself feel good.My Mother always said "Small people make others feel small to make themselves feel bigger".I think it's an insecuirity thing.She always told me that i was every bad thing but i think everyone agrees that she is alot worse and she is a copycat who denies everything and she is boastful only to turn around and has not enough money to buy things i pretend to like this person it may not be a girl but i am very used to typing she.This may be a guy or a girl i am not going to reveal this persons identity.She always talked bad about me behind my back and then was sweet to my face just so she could borrow things from me she treated me like a library and she always returned my books in bad condition not only did she do that she also crtisized me alot to my face and i only had one choice to smile and pretend that i was not hurt but whenever i told her something she would act very hurt and ignore i will set-up a poll whether i should dump of forgive this person......
xoxo(not that bubbly)
Simply me
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