
Monday, January 26, 2009

Wrestling Costumes

A friend that I work with had what I thought was a great fancy dress idea: Wrestling Costumes. I thought that there would be hundreds of The Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan costumes for sale, but doing some research I actually found the range of any sort of wrestling costume to be pretty poor. What wrestling costumes I did manage to fine are below:

Nacho Libre Costume

Nacho Libre Costume
The Nacho Libre Deluxe Costume is for me probably the best commercially available wrestling costume on the market. The Nacho Libre costume comes from the film of the same name and is about a friar in a Mexican monastery played by Jack Black who secretly dreams of being a Mexican Wrestler or Luchador. The film is loosely based on the true story of Catholic priest Sergio Gutierrez Benitez.

Sumo Wrestling CostumeSumo Wrestling Costumes
I also managed to find a few Sumo wrestling costumes like the one below, which is pretty cool:

Where to buy fancy dress wrestling costumes:

I managed to find these costumes on:

Other than that, I suppose as a guy you could always get yourself a tight little Speedo costume, cape and a mask and make your own Wrestling costume!! :-)

As for female wrestling costumes, I am afraid that I could not find any:

sexy womans wrestling costumeSexy Womans Wrestling Costume
Here is a Fancy Dress idea for any Costume manufacturers out there: why not create some sexy wrestling divas costumes like the one pictured below as I am sure that they could become popular. Imagine a wrestling couples costume combination, what a tag team that would make - awesome!

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