Hey you fellow bloggers,
I'm sorry I had to post my self introduction so late i now am 11 I love to blog it is much better than a diary that I could have a more interesting blog with pictures and everything like that.I love green i don't eat red meat on Friday's my fav things in the world is definitely food ,clothes, accesories,my sticker collection,my high school musical card collection and (of course)my blog.I have never gone to niagra falls and i want to go to america because I know it will be really interesting.I love to eat pizza and pasta and fried rice oh and Roti prata.I have an absoulute best friend her name is Melissa and she lives right next to me and she and I go to the same school also we take the same bus and we go the same church.I also have Ashleigh,Emma,Julliana and Nichole my other best friends.I love to sing and dance but mostly singing.i guess that's all you all need to know.Keep reading to have a life of a tween gypsie.
xoxo Sonia
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