Oh. My. Gosh. We are officially halfway done with 2011 - how crazy is that?! To be honest, the first 6 months of the year haven't been mindblowingly wonderful for me, so I really hope the next 6 pick up! I'm looking forward to next month - towards the end we are visiting another potential venue, staying overnight, and sampling the food, so we're super excited for it. Fingers (and toes!) crossed that this will be
the venue, otherwise I'll be a bit effed off! And on that note, I'll leave you with the things I learned in June:
1. How to make a yummy Nutella cupcake frosting.
2. My parents are going to grow flowers especially for my our wedding.
3. Cheap and tack-tastic pink diamante iPhone covers just look tackier when the diamantes are falling off. Mine is practically bald now. Time for a new one!
4. A grown man screaming like a girl cracks me up, whether it's acting or in real life.
5. I might, possibly, maybe, I think, potentially, be... broody. But now is sooo not the time.
6. There are soooo many movies we want to see in the cinema this Summer, which = lotsa $.
7. There is never a quiet time to shop in Primark.
8. The nail glue from the 'Kiss' brand of false nails is like fucking superglue. I've ripped a layer of skin from four fingers so far, and that's just through false nail application. Ouch. It's going to hurt like a bitch removing these bad boys, I can sense it.
9. The key to healthy eating is preparation.
10. How to make the most perfect and yummilicious porridge. Yep, really.
11. Drawing on my body really helps decide where I want my tattoo.
12. There is a shop in Cardiff dedicated to American sweets and stuff. It's called Americandy and has Lucky Charms, Fluff, Pretzel Flipz, Vanilla Coke, Peanut Butter M&Ms, Coconut M&Ms and much, much more! I could easily spend a whopping fortune in there, if I wasn't eating healthily. Must. Avoid. This. Shop.
13. I'm obsessed with daisies.
14. I'm bored of my 'ombre'. Because it is so subtle, it feels like I've frazzled my ends for nothing, and I really can't be arsed to correct it all by a) darkening my roots or b) putting a new colour all over. I hate hair faff.
15. Sainsbury's has so much more variety than Tesco.
16. My Gran is a shopaholic. I must get it from her...
17. The world and his brother has seen Take That's tour. Some people are not even fans. Fuckers.
18. I am too bitter about missing out on Take That tickets...
19. ...But I still practically hate everyone that managed to snag them. Snoozing is losing and all that but it's just not fair.
20. My friend's sister is going on Come Dine With Me.
21. And in typical Welsh-People-On-Telly-Stylee, she is going to make an arse of herself.
22. Wearing heels in Cardiff Bay is ridiculous. Cobbles and gravel galore!
23. Blogger's post scheduler doesn't work. It just turns them back into draft posts when the time comes.
24. Mr Lollipop has no concept of time. He says "Our visitors will be here at 5pm". What he means is, "Our visitors will be here at 3:00pm".
25. Some medicine capsules are actually just a tablet inside a capsule case, instead of a powder in a capsule case. This bothers me on so many levels but I don't know why... I think I feel conned.
26. Cheryl Cole has a 'blonde bob'.
27. And it is not living up to the hype. At all. I was expecting a Marilyn Monroe-esque peroxide 'do and what we got was a few caramel/honey highlights.
28. I'm not a fan of red meat. I've eaten it for 27 years and have never enjoyed it, so it's only now that I'm actually listening to my body and thinking about my food, that I'm wondering why I eat it.
29. I've lost my hoodie that I wear jogging. Not. Good!
30. I've lost weight around ma boobehz.
What have you learned this month?