Hey all you bloggers,
sorry that u have missed me for a few weeks.GOD!The exams are around the corner it is really hard to juggle everything my internet crashed a few days ago but now it has come back on LUCKILY anyway do any of you have a favourite magazine mine is seventeen!I know you all think that Seventeen is too old for me as 11 is no way 17 even in dog years.Well Seventeen is a fashion guide a food guide and interview guide to people who pretend that they are perfect but when u talk to a reporter they only act perfect but you can see that glamorous curtain rip off those people are true rockstars.But some are real life plastic,who are not their true selves.Anyway seeing the shiny cover of the newly printed Seventeen magazine is even more rewarding than seeing the last pair of DIVA earrings going to you instead of an Arch enemy.So this is just a little shoutout message please read Seventeen great magazine and don't worry it's not only meant for NC16+1 ok until the next post after exams!Oh and Happy Halloween!
Simply me!
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