Hey all you bloggers,
yesterday was finally Sunday and its the day we've all been waiting for its kind of the other way round for me I dread Sunday because it is such a hectic day and I have to meet idiotic Dan!Anyway yesterday was not such a bad day because someone died in my family.You know my Uncle Ekiam (he was mentioned in one of my previous entries)he died on Saturday so the wake was at night so my family except me and my sister.It was quite sad because the next Chinese New Year he won't be there.Well yesterday I went to watch a movie.It was the PINK PANTHER 2 and it was hilarous the 2nd best movie I've watched so far.It is about this Diamond called the Pink Panther diamond and other countries with old artifacts that you can't ever find anymore and someone called "Le Tornado" steals them and he steals the Pink Panther DIamond the minute Inspector Clueso steps out of Paris.So the dream team goes into action.THe dream team consist of detectives from Paris,Britain,Japan,Italy and India.Lets just say that the thief has a name familiar to this blog and you must watch the movie yourself to find out more.......
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