I have one big huge post today. That's what happens when the blogging piles up! I have lots of treasures and gifts to share with you. We'll see what kind of sense of humor we both have and a little gifty for you at the bottom of the post--but you gotta read it all and promise to laugh as prompted first. hehe!
Remember the little itty bitty inchie Valentine Swap I did with Mrs. Staggs of A Happy Miscellany.....well this is the gorgeous little itty bitty inchie card that she made and I love it! See the teeny little ring detail on it and the envelope is beautiful too! I love how she lamenated it--never even thought to do that and the little wire hanger is a great idea too. Thank you Mrs. Staggs! I love it!
Lana of Honeysuckle Lane sent me this gorgeous card and scrabble tile necklace, both handcrafted by her for participating in a little guessing challenge she had. She bought the most gorgeous couch for only $35 and I had guessed the price right. Thank you Lana! I love this!
My crown for the day--for my birthday made for me by my oldest daughter Jennalee. I love it! I love the big fairy on it and the coveted row of rhinestones on the bottom. She bought a spool of these vintage rhinestones at a thrift store a few years ago and I drool over it everytime I look at it!
This darling little knitted cupcake, also made for me by Jennalee for Valentines day. It's adorable and much cuter in person.
(I'm in the parentishis)
"Turkey found at the boutique (code for thrift store) had a mate I broke it bought the set for your ugly turkey collection."
He'll fit in perfectly and I'm sure I have a single hen for him somewhere.
"Quilt was one I bought for Syd (her granddaughter) for a quarter her mom didn't want to keep it so you get it."
Lucky me! I love this little blue log cabin doll quilt! One of the prints has little tiny bluebirds on it.
Lucky me! I love this little blue log cabin doll quilt! One of the prints has little tiny bluebirds on it.
Rhonda's note exactly as written--(this too was Syd's--who now lives in S Korea, because her dad is in the military):
Annie is very special. She has been peed on. So when you open this be prepared she reeks of cat piss! But I kept hearing your name as I walked by the closet and I couldn't figure out why. Now I know. Annie knew her home was going to be with you. She knew you would love her even though the damn cats who are forever gone (not to worry she found homes for the naughty little kitties) even though she is a smellie Annie. Please make her whole again. Thank you.
Oh this just cracked me up! She had warned me she was sending me something that only I would understand--and love. LOL! So I will get Annie all cleaned up and then she can come out of the plastic bag and join the all of my other Annies. I think I need to start an Annie orphanage for unloved and unwanted Annies.
Now maybe you have an insight into the family humor. LOL!
PS--we got it from our mother who got it from her mother and beyond that I don't have a clue!
And then look! She bought me the pink earrings from Etsy that I had mentioned in a blog post awhile back that I wanted. I really do love these and I might just wear them with my pink dress although I had only intended to add them to my vintage jewelry collection.
There's one more thing, but it comes later. Thank you Rhonda!
There's one more thing, but it comes later. Thank you Rhonda!
I finally decided to treat myself, for my birthday, to these fabulous little Putford Scissors I found at Stacy Nash's Primitives. I've wanted these for quite a little while and I just love these itty bitty 2 & 1/2 inch long scissors. Yup, just 2 & 1/12 inches long and great for thread snipping. (She also has a pair of heart shaped handled scissors--on my list of things to buy). You need to make sure and visit Stacy's website. She has the most gorgeous cross stitch patterns that she designs.
I received another darling little Annie too--this one from my friend Linda Tittle. She knows I love Annies! And the book The Quilt That Walked to Golden is from my friend Donna Balfanz. Fantastic book and fantastic friends who really know what I love! Thank you Linda! Thank you Donna!

Ok, now for a little gifty for you all. Rhonda also sent me these beautiful antique postcards. I just love them! I scanned them in, so if you click on the photo they will enlarge by quite a bit. Feel free to right click and save them to you puter and use them however you'd like.
This 1st one is German postcard printed in Dresden, Germany.
This 1st one is German postcard printed in Dresden, Germany.

This one is a bit of a mystery. It is printed in Berlin in 1904, but has an embossed stamp on the outer edge that reads Uhlefleder, New York. The message on the back is in French and was sent to Miss Caroline Ouelette from A. A. Lacasse--but no cities, states or countries, (unless that's what the embossed mark of NY is)., however it has a .02 US Postage stamp as seen on the front and the date on the ladies shoulder is 07. Which I'm sure must be 1907. No postal markings either, but a beautiful card. I can't make out all of the handwriting on it, but the writer was thanking Miss Caroline for a very nice gift and they were looking forward to seeing her again.

This gorgeous card is postmarked Mount Victory, OH Dec 1907 going to Harrod, OH to Mrs. Sarah M Darby. This one does not say where it was printed, but I'm guessing the US.
Enjoy the postcard images and thanks for reading and letting me ramble.
Enjoy the postcard images and thanks for reading and letting me ramble.
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