
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Just Who Is Running This Doughnut Shop?!

Got home a little early last night fully intending on spending some time here waxing and groaning about wine. The heat making me feel swarthy, saturated, ready to really feel each heavy drip of sweat slithering down my spine as I pounded away at my laptop, sharing with all of you a new-ish and truly sensual love affair I'm having with a couple Italians and a few cats in Northern California.

Got home, made a dinner of gifted tuna that was caught on Monday, (customer brought me nearly 30 pounds in fact. Re-gifted some tuna that's for sure) bitter greens topped with the tiniest potatoes, boiled until soft, pressed between my palms until they split but still held their shape, then fried in olive oil until super crispy on all sides but still ultra creamy on the inside. Drizzled over the greens and potatoes a dressing of smashed garlic, Dijon mustard, lemon juice, salt, pepper and olive oil. Simple, delicious and not too taxing. Perfect for preserving my creative juices. Yeah....

Nuzzled into my favorite writing spot and opted to just check out Facebook before getting started. Yeah, so those juices, spoiled. Came across this fantastic news  which sent me reeling and launched me into one of those nights where I start every goddamn sentence with, "What the fuck?!". My husband loves these nights. Not kidding about that, he actually gets a charge out of waiting to hear what might fly out of my never shutting trap. The calling of names, the big hand gestures, the cartoonish exasperated facial expressions. I married a freak.

Anyone that finds things like:

"Hey here's an idea. Let's do some research on the effects of mixing Botox and spray tan with teeth whitener! Clearly these fuckers are suffering some kind of reaction"

"Why don't we all just give the insurance companies blow jobs now so they don't jack up the prices on diabetic and heart medications for our grandchildren?"

"Oh okay, we can help shovel shit food into the mouths of the future of this country but we can't subsidize childcare so there parents could, oh I don't know....afford to work at one of the hellish establishments? Or better yet, how's about we pool the people that can't find work, start a childcare co-op so that the community is in fact caring for each other and people can afford to get some kind of maybe building solar panels?!"

"We can help our children get fatter and watch as they become sour cream and honey mustard huffers but Amy can't have a case of French wine shipped to her state?!"

and his personal favorite,

"Jesus would smack the shit out of these people"

anyone that finds that sexy is truly insane.

Lost my evening to rants, roaring and a bottle and a half of Pinot Gris.


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