Halloween is all about scary stuff and fancy dress costumes play a big part in that so, I thought what would be quite fun is to find the most scary costumes for Halloween out there. But what exactly is scary, I think the idea of something being scary and therefore a scary costume is different for everyone. Some people are scared of spiders, so would a Spider costume make a good Halloween scary costume? I am not so sure, so what I have tried to do is find things that would be scary to most people, things like:
Scary clown costumes
I guess from the list above, I find scary clowns the most scary of all, this possibly has something to do with a certain Stephen King film called "IT" that I watched as a child and don't think I have ever quite got over! Funny thing is the Scary clown from IT reminds me a little of Crusty The Clown from the Simpsons and would make an excellent scary fancy dress costume especially as a boys Halloween costume. The good news is that there are a bunch of scary clown costumes out there for sale, but also feel that with a little (or a lot) of make up it would also be possible to make your own scary clown Halloween costume.

The traditional scary costume for Halloween has to be a ghost costume, for me in sharp comparison to scary clown costumes, I don't find ghost's scary, again this is just me and this time probably has something with me liking Casper the friendly ghost when I was a kid! You may have an altogether different view on ghost costumes and for you here are a few of the most scary ghost costumes for Halloween that I could find: Ghost Costumes on Amazon.co.uk
For US Shoppers: Ghost Costumesfrom Amazon.com
Bloody Vampire costumes
Vampire costumes can be pretty scary, especially if there is some blood involved! And don't be fooled as these days vampires are not just for men, there are plenty of pretty scary women's vampire Halloween costumes out there. Here are a few of my favorite vampire fancy dress ideas for you: Vampire Costumes on Amazon.co.uk
Right you have seen my scariest costume ideas for Halloween, I would love to get your thoughts or ideas on other scary costumes.
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