If you think about it traditionally the only woman's and girls Halloween costumes available were scary witch costumes, these days we have a much larger selection of fancy dress ideas to choose from and one of the most interesting for me being Fairy Halloween costumes.
Fairies whilst not scary, have a mischievous, sometimes wicked side to them and so for me make excellent Halloween fancy dress costumes. Fairies originally come from Western European folklore during the medieval times. They and are almost always human in appearance, with wings and have magical powers that include being able to cast spells and to influence or foresee the future.
Tinkerbell is probably the most well known of all fairies, and playing on that and the Halloween theme you can get a Teen Tinkerhell Costume, the adult Halloween costume version is also available (The main image in this blog post is of the Tinkerhell Halloween Costume):

For UK Shoppers
Fairy Halloween Costume
For US Shoppers:
Fairy Halloween Costume
Happy Halloween!
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