From top: Corn timbales (made in the poultry class), savory palmiers (with capers and olives), strawberry shortcake (yummy!), shrimp bisque and finally, a pear tart.
Well, it's been almost 2 weeks since my last post. So many things have happened since then.
First of all, I landed a job at a seafood restaurant in Chelmsford called Fish Bones. Todd, the chef there had an ad in the local publication that I answered. Although I had no experience working in a restaurant, I guess he sees the potential in me and wanted me to start right away. He actually had me brunoise an onion for him to see how my knife skills are. Anyway, my first day was on Sunday (2/3), Superbowl day. Went in at 9am and worked till 3pm, saute-ing some onions and peppers and had me watch him prepare some dishes during lunch service. Came home and went over to the Griffins for their Superbowl party. It's just heartbreaking to see the Patriots lose but you know, life goes on. Went to work again yesterday, Tuesday (2/5) and I did a lot of prep work, cutting up cabbages for coleslaw and cutting up squash, peppers, onions and tomatoes and marinating them in garlic butter for use in grilled vegetable. Also wrapped up a bunch of scallops with bacon. Had fish and chips for lunch...good stuff. Then I left for class, preparing to face my first Food Basics quiz.
Speaking of culinary class, last week was long because we had to replace a Baking class that was postponed due to the snow day we had a few weeks ago. So it was a 4-day class week for me last week. In Baking, we did puff pastry and pate brisee. Food Basics class last week was "Stocks and Soups" and I made a shrimp bisque.
Oh yeah, I also went for an interview with the Holiday Inn hotel in Boxborough. Met the chef there but didn't really like the concept of preparing dishes for buffets. Also, at Fish Bones, my work hours could be flexible, coordinating my hours with Su-Ann's. And I would probably learn more there too. Todd is really pushing to teach me fast because he need someone at the line, helping him cook.
Also, next week, I have a quiz for Baking and the certification test for ServSafe.
I'll try to get some photos up soon. I'm just too tired today.
Later....oh and Happy Chinese New Year! This is the year of the rat. Gotta call home later tonight to wish everyone.
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