Vintage Potholders
Vintage Pitchers & Creamers
The vintage pitchers & creamers is another collection that sort of happened. The little one in front that looks like a house was my grandmothers and I'd like to make that another collection, because I've seen other pieces that match or look very similar to it. The little red one is a strawberry--and yes I've been thinking about collecting strawberry items. Amazing how one little thing can spark a whole new collection!
Raggedy Ann & Andy's
Everyone has to own at least one Annie! I need more than one however and so far have just 11. My youngest daughter who is 8 also collects Raggedy Ann and it used to be we took turns finding them--one time she would get the annie and then the next time was my turn and so forth until about a year ago she decided to get greedy (wonder where she got that trait from!) and now it's whoever sees it first gets it--and her eyes are better than mine! I also have some darling Raggedy Ann items in my collection that aren't dolls--like a big tin, storybooks, pins etc. I must have it all!
Some of my other collections are.....Pincushions of course!, Sewies--that's anything to do with sewing--old thimbles, beat up or not, scissors, tape measures, needlebooks...anything that is sewing related whether it be tattered or not. Then there are my collections of buttons, watches, handmade holiday ornies for all the holidays and seasons, Santa face mugs/cups (gotta add an old santa face pitcher to this one!), Christmas Stories--I've collected these mainly from women's magazines for about 26 or years, then there's my ugly turkey collection, inspired by an ugly turkey I found in a thrift store. We'll see those at Thanksgiving time and then there are my cookie cutters, antique lace and vintage linens, cookie jars, vintage china dishes--I'm trying to cover a wall with these in one of my bathrooms and vintage dresser items--especially old perfume bottles and powder boxes and I'm sure I'm forgetting some others and I know I will start new collections. I'd love to start a collection of transfer ware and antique toy sewing machines. It's not my fault. I come from a family of collectors and they all have it way worse than me! LOL!
Don't forget to check out all the other Show and Tell Fridays over at There's No Place Like Home http://kellishouse.blogspot.com/ --our hostess for Show & Tell Friday.
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