What a wonderful trip! No cooking or worrying about anything, just having fun! I arrived in Salt Lake City just at lunch time, met up with my brother and sister and then we drove to a really neat place called Gardiner Village
http://www.gardnervillage.com/This is a cool water wheel just outside the old mill restaurant we ate at....

Then we toured some shops...........I took this pic, because I love that red shelf. I have a mantle that is the same as this shelf--minus the drawers that I may just paint red like this one.

Next was a photo op--my brother is the short chunky one in the bikini and my sister is the tall skinny one. This pretty much sums them up--goofy!

One of the little shops at the village that once was someones home last century or two.

After Gardiner Village we headed up to the Zermatt in Midway City where we stayed for the weekend. We enjoyed a wonderful seafood buffet and an even better dessert bar! They had the best caramel torte there. I sure hope to find a recipe!
Saturday we headed to Park City and enjoyed the Arts Festival where I also got to meet briefly with my friend Gayle B and her husband. We did a lot of walking and shopping that day.
Before we got to Park City however we drove thru part of Midway City, a very charming little mountain town full of quaint old homes from the late 1800's and early 1900's. We found a garage sale right across from this house, so we stopped and I bought a couple of new, old looking bowls. Then we go to get into the van and my brother about runs me over! He thought I was in, but I was standing on the street with both of his van doors swung wide open and next thing I know he's driving off and I'm running alongside trying to keep up! After I got in I made him back up, so I could take a picture of this neat old home--almost the last thing I saw. LOL!

We had a nice prime rib and steak buffet that evening--followed by that delicious dessert bar and more caramel torte! Mixed in all our activities and eating was lots of visiting, laughing, reminiscing and fun. It was such a great trip that we all enjoyed and we hope to do again--maybe next year.
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