
Monday, April 20, 2009

Bloggers Quilt Festival

Please come and join me for the Bloggers Quilt Festival held by Amy at Park City Girl. Currently there are over 370 bloggers who have shared their quilts. If you have a quilt you've made then hop on board or maybe you'd prefer to just enjoy the show. Either way it's a great way to meet new quilters/bloggers and have some fun! Below is the quilt I've chosen to enter for the Festival.

This is what I consider to be my first "real" quilt. I've done some baby quilts and rag quilts, but this is my first pieced quilt I've done and I finished the top-which is still waiting to be quilted--about 3 or 4 years ago. It's call Crazy Among Friends from a pattern by The Buggy Barn. I did it as a BOM (Block of the Month for our non-quilter friends) through my LQS (Local Quilt Shop).

A close-up of a few of the blocks. This was such a fun quilt to do and a really great technique combining a crazy quilt approach, using freezer paper templates, cutting your blocks in stacks and then shuffling the pieces to acquire different color combinations for each like block. It's also a great quilt for a beginner, because it is forgiving, so it's not so overwhelming.

This particular pattern is actually meant to be made between friends and then everyone trade blocks, however it can also be done by just one person as I did it.

I love the little basket blocks and there are about 3 different shaped basket blocks in this one. I want to make up the quilt in the same book that is all baskets someday soon.

Thank you for sharing in my quilt with me and don't forget to hop on over to the Bloggers Quilt Festival home and enjoy seeing everyone else's. I may see you there!

Click HERE to go to my Webshots and see my Dear Jane Quilt Blocks.

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