Welcome to Show Me~Wednesday!
And yes I am late! Very late! We had an internet outage this morning and when it came back on it wouldn't let me into my blog or a few other regularly visited sites, but all looks to be fixed and back up and running, so here I am! Whew!
Here's how it works....Each week we have a theme of what we would like to see. Snap a photo for us and post it on your blog and then fill out the Mr. Linky near the bottom of the post with your blog name and blog addy and it'll automatically add you to the list so other bloggers can come and see what you are sharing.
Feel free to add the banner above to your post (right click and save it to your own computer please), so it makes it easier for guests arriving at your blog to find your Show Me~ Wednesday post.
Each week we'll also list the theme for the coming week--at the very bottom of the post, so you can prepare and be ready to share!
Don't forget and leave comments where you visit. We all love to hear from our visitors.
This Weeks Theme--Show Me Your Sewing Machine(s)
Ruth Ray of My Creative Soul had requested this weeks theme. Thanks Ruth!
Here's mine--nothing spectacular, but it does what I need it do and it works great! It's a Janome 4612TM. I've had it about 5 years now and I'm quite happy with it.
I also have this cute little Singer Spartan. I love this one! It was made in 1961--the same year as me. LOL! And it sews like a charm. I found it in a thrift store for $30 when I lived in FL and I've had it about 3 years now. It's not a full size machine. It's about the size of a featherweight only heavy and I love it for sewing quilt blocks!
This fancy little machine was my very first sewing machine that I got when I was about 5 years old. It's battery operated and sews with a real needle. I only remember sewing paper on it. Pretty cute isn't it!
This one is my rescue machine. It’s a turn of the century treadle. I had went into an antiques store one day and this particular store was always a mess with things in piles that covered the floor with barely a walking path and right there in the middle sat this old and rusty, but beautiful sewing machine. I knew I had to have it, but could find no price, so I asked the shop owner how much and she said she was on her way out to the dumpster with it, so I could have it for FREE! Now why on earth would anyone--an antiques shop especially--throw out something like this! So I nabbed it and off I went! Recently I found a 1905 working treadle in a gorgeous cabinet just like this--only not rusty and I have it on layaway and should hopefully have it in the next few weeks.
Ok, your turn. We want to see your sewing machines! Just fill out the Mr. Linky below, so we can all take a peek.
Next Week's Theme
Show Me Your-- Newest Collection
If anyone has any suggestions of what you'd like to see in future Show Me Wednesdays, then please post it here and I'll add it to the list.
Thank you!
Ok, your turn. We want to see your sewing machines! Just fill out the Mr. Linky below, so we can all take a peek.
Next Week's Theme
Show Me Your-- Newest Collection
If anyone has any suggestions of what you'd like to see in future Show Me Wednesdays, then please post it here and I'll add it to the list.
Thank you!
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