For the Primitive Pocket I cross stitched a colonial style peacock and flowers with a bit of feather stitching. The peacock pattern is from part of a really cool pincushion pattern I bought from Stacy Nash of Stacy Nash Primitives . I absolutely LOVE her stuff and hope to keep adding her patterns to my collection.
I have discovered however that I can't see worth a darn when it comes to cross stitching. I need to go get real glasses now! So to fix this problem I slightly enlarged the pattern to fit my piece and then I photocopied the cross stitch pattern onto tissue paper and stitched right over it! Much easier to see--however the picking out of the tissue when finished is a challenge.
Here are the 2 Star Pincushions--I kept the green and brown and sent Sharon the blue and brown. The Star pincushions are a pattern by Denise Davis of Sassafras Hill Primitives . This makes a really nice sized large pincushion, but for my purposes this time I sized it down by half and it still makes quite a nice pincushion and they're fun to make!
Here's a view of the inside of the little sewing roll up--very simple. I definitely had fun making these and hope to get some more primitive pockets made up--maybe not with cross stitch--maybe some wool applique instead--much easier to see! LOL
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