It all started when I got a newsletter yesterday in my email from Stacy Nash . She has a butterfly thread winder on her site that I admired and then didn't think much about it until later when I was searching for something and stumbled across some other thread winders. Then it hit me! That's that odd thing in my button jar that wasn't really a button.
See it there--the flower shaped thing in the middle. It's made of mother of pearl and the indentions are where the thread is wrapped around. Many years ago the women would buy their threads and then wrap them onto a thread winder like this. What a fun discovery!
The other things in the photo above I'm still trying to find out about. The small square (mop) thing to the left looks like a belt buckle, but is way to small, so I think it may be a square thread ring that would have been sewn into a sewing roll. The 2 round one holed looking buttons are made of bone. I have a bunch of these and still have no clue what they are, but they came to me through a few jars of buttons that I've run across through the years. The key looking thing is a button hole sizer and I only know that, because it says that right on it. I've searched and searched Google, but with no luck at all. Not sure why one would need to size a buttons holes.
I also found some really great sites as I was doing my research and I thought I'd add a few fun sewing images. Feel free to save them to your computer--just please don't copy/paste them from here.
Penelope Primm Antiques &Particulars this site has some really neat scissors and other repros--I must have a black pair of the Wee Bit or Putford scissors! She also has some thread winders, rings, linens and so much more. Be sure to check out her Folkart page and bring your drool rag. It's full of wonderfuls by the Schneemans.
Then I discovered Acme Notions Oh my! I found tons of neat little things I have to have from this site! Make sure to check out each category. While most of this stuff is new there are some really cool things and very inexpensive.
A wonderful English site-- TSG Emporium She has lots of fun stuff--and this is only on one page. I haven't even looked through the rest of the site yet, however I really, really need a pair of those heart handled scissors! And lastly, but not least is Wm Booth Draper Lots of cool things there as well--some more unique thread winders and bone lucets and all manner of must haves. I still have to search that site over as well.
I hope you'll enjoy these sites as much as I have. I'm off to look through them some more. No sewie shall be left unturned! Happy Stitching!
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