Now that things have slowed down a bit and getting sort of back to normal I thought I'd share just a couple of my favorite Christmas gifts I received this year......

I got a wire dress form! We had went to the mall to visit Santa when the husband had to stop at his favorite western store--that also happens to be going out of business, so while he looked at hats I looked at the store fixtures--but I some how missed this little beauty. He was the one who found it when I drug him over to the fixtures corner to show him the shelving and decor items. They had 2 different styles of dress forms and this was the one I wanted, so after inquiring about the price and finding out it was $40 he bought it and told me it had to go under the Christmas tree. That was alright by me! In fact I'm considering letting it live in that spot after the tree is put away--which just happens to be where he puts his western collection. hehehee! Oh yeah I named this one Mae--Mae West, because she's from the western store--Corral West, so it only made sense, however I'm pretty sure she won't be dressed western. ;)

Then I got a sewing basket! For so long I've wanted one of these little sewing baskets and now I finally have one! My folks sent me this and my mom filled it with all sorts of little treasures and even wrote out a "geneology" of how she had acquired each little treasure through the years. She has no idea how fun it was to open this and pull out each little piece. This is my favorite kind of gift!

A peek at some of the goodies found inside...... a fabric jelly roll, crocheted basket and pot holders, china doll!, little bitty beaded pink purse, pink enamel necklace, sterling silver tatting shuttle (she found at a garage sale for a dime some 20 years ago), silver ladle, belt buckles, clothespins, bobbin, thread, antique lace, button card, wooden needle holder, and even 2 little old milk bottle paper tops, a couple of hankies that were my grandmother's and a darling dress dishtowel.

Pretty darned good treasures I'd say! I was tickled pink with them that's for sure! In fact I told my family that I think next year all gifts should either be handmade or 2nd hand from the thrift stores or antiquety places. Much better than store bought!

A closeup look at the darling little dishtowel dress. Isn't it cute!
Yup, it paid off being a good girl, so I guess I'd better keep on track for next year too. hehee!