It's Friday again and today I decided to share my cookie jars with you. If I had more space I'd have way more cookie jars--so I guess maybe it's a good thing I don't have too much space. ;)
These first 2 are 2 of my very favorites--Queen of the Kitchen a Mary Engelbriet piece that I treated myslef to a few years ago and Ernie who is not wearing his original head, because one day the cat decided to get a bit too close and off went poor Ernies head--sort of like Humpty Dumpty, we couldn't put him back together again, so I found just a head at a thrift store--this ugly bright orange one, which will have to work until I find just the right Ernie head. Ernie joined us about 15 or so years ago when my husband found him in a little antiques shop in Kansas and gave him to me for Christmas that year. He always sits so politely with his little hands folded.
The little hen cookie jar is a from the Warren Kimball line that I found at TJ Maxx a couple of years ago for just 7.00, so I snapped it up!
The last of my cow collection. Remember cows back in the early 90's. She's also one of my very favorites. I was working as a cookie decorator in a little shop when my husband brought this to me at work one day as a fun little gift. She's sat in my kitchen and held lots of little things--mostly cassette tapes--yup, she still has one or two in there, but never any cookies.
This little guy is Pumpkin Jack. I can't wait for fall time to roll around every year so I can enjoy this little guy. He was one I found at Michales craft store a few years ago. Isn't he a happy little pumpkin.
My little merry moose that my son gave me for Christmas a couple of years ago. He's so cute, who'd steal a cookie from him.
And mammy, who's always cheerful and ready to bake. She was an ebay purchase a few years ago.
I love my cookie jars, but they've never held any cookies. Not that I don't bake, because I do, I just don't want my cookie jars broken when little or big hands are snitchin' cookies from my cookie jar. I find an ugly ol' plastic tub works much better for that!
Thanks for dropping by and don't forget to stop past Kelli's to visit the other wonderful Show & Tell Fridays.
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