Ah, the quiet of the morning. It’s so peaceful and relaxing and a time to be cherished. The husband is off to work and the little kid is still in bed sleeping. It’s just me, the cat and freshly baked chocolate chip cookies as I sit here in the quiet of my sewing room perched at my large drafting table doing my morning reading. When I am done I turn on the oven to finish baking the cookies I had started the night before. There is a gentle cool breeze coming in thru the kitchen window, along with a beautiful view of blue sky, white clouds and the tops of very tall pine trees with the birds flitting about, singing and doing whatever it is birds do in the quiet of thier morning.
I return to my sewing room where I resume my perch and pull out my newest magazine--this one is on altered art pieces and I peruse it pages ohhhing and awwwing all the pretty projects and jotting down notes of ideas to incorporate into my own upcoming projects and making mental notes of what to do with my day.
This time won’t last for long I realize as the little kid awakens and the day slowly starts to speed up to it’s normal rate of hub-bub and this is also a part of the day that is good and to be enjoyed and I know that as always the peaceful quiet of the morning will return once again--tomorrow………………………
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