
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What I ate Wednesday

Happy humpday folks! I don't know about you, but I'm counting down the days until the weekend. I'm off out to dinner with the girls on Saturday, but most of all I'm looking forward to some lie-ins! Some of you may know, some of you may not, but for the last month or so I've been having work troubles. They seem to be easing again now but I've been working overtime on my beloved Thursday's off, and the end is nowhere in sight. It's not killing me, but I do miss having a day to myself. Thursday was my productive day where I'd catch up on things around the house, pamper myself, and watch trashy TV that I've been Sky+ing all through the week, but instead I've had to go to work. I'd much rather be at home with my overflowing basket of dirty laundry! Anyway, not long until Saturday. The countdown begins...

Here are my eats from yesterday. Don't forget to check out Jenn's blog for a full list of WIAW participants. I love What I Ate Wednesday posts and it's my favourite part of the week {except the weekends, natch ;)}.

BREAKFAST - 7:00am

The weather has been so lousy that when I woke up I was craving something warm, sweet and filling, so I decided to make an apple and blueberry porridge. It was simple to make and really yummy too:
1/3 cup oats
1/3 cup apple juice (I love, love, love the Innocent one - I'm not a huge apple juice fan in general but this is especially nice)
1/3 cup milk (I used Rice Dream Vanilla rice milk but you use whatever milk you prefer)
1/2 grated pink lady apple, no peel
1 cup frozen blueberries
Mix the oats, apple juice, milk, grated apple and half of the blueberries together, then microwave to your desired consistency. I like it quite thick, so mine took about 3 1/2 minutes in total due to the frozen fruit and thin milk. When cooked, stir through the rest of the blueberries (I do this for extra texture but you can cook them all with the oats for a smoother, gooier porridge) and serve. See, simple!

LUNCH - 12:30pm

My yummy breakfast filled me up until lunchtime, so I didn't need a morning snack. Lunch was a big bowl of spinach and lentil soup. I roughly followed Laura's recipe but added some extra curry powder for an extra kick. At first I wasn't sure I liked it, so I blended it a bit and found it was much more enjoyable. I know where I went wrong with the recipe (I used different quantities of ingredients and didn't adjust the seasonings to match) so I'll be trying this again once I've finished the batch I've frozen.


I had a carton of chocolate flavoured Rice Dream rice milk and some 'cookie dough' balls. Two of them were cinnamon and raisin flavour and two were chocolate coconut flavour. These are essentially balls of peanut butter combined with ground almonds, and flavoured with different things. Once I've perfected my recipes, I will share them with you but I'm still experimenting at the moment. They were okay, nothing to rave about.

TEA - 6:45pm

I've eaten this every single night since Sunday and I'm still not bored! I had a big salad with lettuce, cucumber, red pepper and sugarsnaps, topped with a massive dollop of houmous (tonight's one was my current favourite, caramelised onion. Wowwee, it tastes so good!), some beetroot, and some wholewheat mini pasta shells mixed with some pesto, pine nuts and a teeny bit of cheese. So lush! Then later on in the evening I had an attack of the sweet tooth, so I had a glass of Innocent's Strawberry and Banana smoothie. It satisfied my sweet craving and filled me right up. Win-win :)

Don't forget to join in the WIAW fun!


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