
Friday, September 9, 2011

special fall days

even though its sad to see summer fly away so soon 
fall is so exciting!

i subscribed to Martha about a month ago
still waiting for my first issue in the mail...

i can't wait for halloween, thanksgiving and Christmas
im getting goosebumps just thinking about it

Christmas tends to be the one holiday that soaks up my time and squeezes my wallet
but it really ends up being worth it :)

another exciting thing is that its my birthday this month
for the first time ever
i am not too excited about celebrating it
maybe with all the house changes going on 
im too distracted?
nah! it can't be

next week i hope to post my fun wish list
full of impractical things that i would hope to receive 
if money was no object 

those are the best lists in my opinion

hope you have a happy and fulfilling weekend!
enjoy the sunshine and your garden bounty if you planted this year!

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