
Monday, September 12, 2011

Boba Carrier Review

I have a very bad back due to a car accident many years ago. Due to my back injury I have to be careful how and what I carry. My daughter has always been very petite and carrying her has never really been a problem for me but then came along my son...all 20+ pounds of him at 8 months. I have been struggling...carrying him in the car seat carrier adds another five pounds or so and the many baby carriers I have tried have left my back aching by the end of the day. I have been on the lookout for a reasonably priced, attractive, organic, and comfortable baby carrier that will help distribute my sons weight search has been no easy task! When I came across the Boba Carrier I knew that my search was finally over!

A bit about the Boba Baby Carrier
   Remember my Sleepy Wrap review? Well now the parents behind the invention of the Sleepy Wrap have now created the Boba Carrier. They didn't know quite what to do when their son outgrew his sleepy wrap but still wanted to be carried. They tried many different carriers but but none had the comfort of a wrap. So after many sleepless nights and much brainstorming the Boba Carrier was born!

Boba Carrier vs. Other Carriers

  • The Boba Organic Carrier can be used with children 1 to 4 years or 15 to 45 pounds. 
  • It is a super soft carrier made entirely of organic materials and produced in Boulder, Colorado. 
  • Shoulder, Waist, and Chest straps {all adjustable} make the Boba unique and comfortable.
  • The structure of the Boba is tall and wide- making  you and your baby/toddler feel properly secure and supported.
  • Fully lined with Organic Texas Cotton
  • Footstraps-provide support for toddlers legs {comfort for them} and helps align their spine {flexed abducted position}

My Review
  I was sent a Boba Organic Baby Carrier in Pine to review. The Boba is a revolutionary baby carrier and is SO comfortable. The shoulder straps are thick and padded so well that I can't even tell I am wearing the carrier! It is so nice that I can carry my baby boy everywhere with me and not have an aching back afterwards. I have used the Boba at the doctors office, grocery store, home, and our local park so far and I love having both hands available {My daughter especially loves that I can now push her on the swings at the park!}! I really appreciate the fact that the Boba can easily be thrown into my diaper bag for convenience and because the Boba is machine washable I don't have to worry about it getting dirty-with a baby who likes to spit up this is a great plus! My husband really likes that the Boba Carrier looks gender neutral and that he isn't ashamed to wear it out in public.  I highly recommend the Boba is comfortable, attractive, well made, and at $99.00-affordable too!

 The company did send me a product or service.
This in no way has affected my opinion of the product or service. This review is my opinion and has been written in my own words.

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